Can You See Me Now?


"What is he going to do?" Rin said, swallowing the lump that formed in her throat.

The boy didn't say anything at first. He just kept looking at her with this empty look in his eyes. It sort of unnerved her, that a little boy could make her feel so uncomfortable.

"You are not allowed to talk, unless Master Vishnou allows you to," he finally said. He began to turn around to go back to work on the preparation.

"Wait!" Rin exclaimed, stepping forward only to stop as she realized that the chain didn't allow her walk that far. "Please, just tell me."

The boy turned back around and wavered slightly from the look that Rin gave him. Her pleading eyes and the aura of fear coming from her was so familiar. He used to be just like her, standing there exactly where she stood.

Seeing him starting to crack, she pressed harder. "Please."

The boy turned around again, only more swiftly than before. He didn't want her to see her break, to see his weakness. He wasn't allowed to show that he still had his conscious, that he wasn't truly controlled or else he was as good as dead.

Satisfied that his emotionless tone was still intact, he said, "Master Vishnou will perform a various of experiments on you. If they can work on a powerful witch as yourself, than they can work on anyone."

Rin gasped softly that he knew what she was. Very few people knew that she gained these powers. For a young boy to know about this, she truly was in trouble.

"And if they don't work?" she whispered softly, dreading the answer.

"Then you will be no use of us. You will be obsolete, like the others."

Others? The fear escalated. There used to be more in her place? This couldn't be.

Staring at him silently, Rin couldn't believe that this young boy could be so uncaring, so emotionless.

"Why are you doing this?" Rin whispered.

"I am not doing this, Master Vishnou is," the boy muttered quietly, trying desperately to get rid of the guilt that he just felt. He cursed the fates for making him feel. He thought that his conscience finally left him, he thought wrong.

"You are as much a part of this as he is if you are letting him do this. You are a disgrace, a disgusting, vile child for this," Rin said harshly, letting her anger get the better of her.

The words that came out of Rin angered him. How dare she insinuate such things of him.

"You have no room to talk. I have no choice. I must do as I'm told if I'm to..." the boy stopped suddenly, realizing that he just gave himself away.

Rin was surprised by his outburst. She truly didn't mean those things about him, she was just angry. But the way his eyes showed such anger and shame, she didn't expect those things. Her eyes traveled down to the same collar that she wore. Putting the pieces together, she finally came to her conclusion.

"That collar is what is controlling you isn't it?" Rin said softly, fingering her own as she held his gaze.

Bringing his gaze down, he debated whether to risk his life by telling her. Taking a deep breath he took a chance.

"This collar can either give you death or punishment. Which ever you get by the decision of Master Vishnou, you are branded as his slave," the boy's eyes held a sad gaze as he stared of into space.

"Is that why you behave this way?" Rin said, deciding to sit down. Her feet were starting to wear her down and she needed to sit down either way to stop the room from spinning.

"I...I have to show him that I am still under his control. If I don't, then he will kill me," the boy said softly.

"You were his experiment, too." It wasn't a question and they both knew it.

He nodded his head, falling silent once again.

"I'll get you out," Rin said, her eyes filled with determination. The boy's head swiftly came up at her statement. "Lord Sesshomaru will come for me and I promise that I will get you out when he does."

He didn't say anything, only kept quiet. He looked at her as if he thought that what she promised would never come true.

"What is your name?"


"Do you know mine?" He shook his head, indicating that he didn't.

"My name is Rin. Takeo, I promise you, one way or another I will set you free. Just you wait. I refuse to let him touch me before I have you free."

Sudden footsteps broke their gaze and Takeo went back to organizing the equipments. He placed on that emotionless face back on, even though inside there were so many emotions going on inside of him at that moment.

A strange man came in front of her cell. He had glowing green eyes and long dark hair. He wore a satisfied smirk as he eyed the collar and chain on her.

"Well, well. It's so nice to have your company, Rin."

"Go to hell," she growled.

"Such language from a beautiful girl," he tsked. "We'll change that soon enough. Boy, are you done yet?"

"Yes, Master Vishnou," Takeo bowed down, keeping that emotionless look on. He didn't look at Rin in fear that he would give both of them away.

"Good. You have the rest of the day off. Go do whatever you want, just stay the hell away from here like usual. I'm going to be busy."

Vishnou turned to the table as he checked that his equipment were indeed ready. Walking past him, Takeo looked at Rin as she mouthed 'I promise' when Vishnou had his back towards them.

Takeo shook his head and mouthed the words that he thought he would never have said to a prisoner. 'No, I will get you out. I promise' and then he left through a door down the hall.

It was already late and many of the guests were already in the kitchen to have their dinner in the servants quarters.

Going outside, he ran across the field and through an invisible border. He heard of Lord Sesshomaru before and if someone could help him and Rin, than Sesshomaru was the only one.

He heard rumors of his half-brother living in a village close to the Forest of Inuyasha. His brother surely should know where he would be.

He needed to hurry because if he knew Master Vishnou, then Rin was in for some hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I know that I haven't updated in a while, but yeah. I just didn't know how to make this next chapter, but anyways...

This chapter was inspired by the song Untouched by the Veronicas. The lyrices and music video will be on my profile for at least a month before I change it to a new one. Don't forget to comment me. I love to hear you're reviews on my story.