Can You See Me Now?

Saving Rin

Takeo ran as fast as his feet could take him. He dodged trees in the dark as best as he could, desperately trying to get to his destination. He needed to get to Sesshomaru now or else Rin was doomed.

While running, he remembered how this all started. He remembered being taken away from his mother. Hiding her from the Master Vishnou because he was the man of the house and his job was to protect his mother. He couldn't protect his younger sister from him, but the least he could do was protect his mother.

He didn't care what happened to him, as long as his mother was okay. Two days being kept as a prisoner, he struggled for freedom. He fought against Vishnou, until Master Vishnou got sick of his disobedience. He came to his cell one day, telling him that he just sent an attack to his village. There were no survivals.

It was then that he realized that his mother was dead. He failed to protect her and it was all his fault. If he would have listened the first day he was kidnapped then his mother would have been alive. He was to blame for all those innocent people to die and Master Vishnou never failed to remind him that. It was then that he decided to give up.

He remembered when he was experimented. The pain, the fear, the smell of blood. It was all so horrible, pure torture. There were screams as well. At first he thought that there were others trapped in their own hell also, but then he realized that the screams were coming from his mouth.

The screams were his and the laughters were from Master Vishnou.

He remembered how he cracked so easily. Giving up without a moment of thought. It wasn't even four days since his capture when he decided to obey Master Vishnou. To follow whatever cruel torture that his Master wanted to do.

There were others after him. Some were as young as himself, sometimes even younger, and he could remember forcing down the bile that reached to his throat. There were so many in so few days.

He had to prepare the equipment, record everything that happened, except doing the experiment itself. He thank whatever God that was out there, that he didn't have to see their faces as his oh-so caring master sliced them open, sewed them up, and injected them with all kinds of medicines.

The only thing he didn't wish that he had to do was the clean-up. He would have to clean-up all the blood and dispose of the body. And to do that he had to see their faces.

Oh god the faces were the worst, he thought as he jumped over a tear downed tree. His eyes glowing in the dark at the memory.

Their faces would sometimes be stuck in that horror struck expression. Their eyes wide open. His stomach would drop and the guilt would gnaw at him from the inside. His sanity leaving him little by little. He couldn't stand to live like this, day after day.

Rin's presence and determination sparked up something inside of him. He could see her strength and knew that she would be the one to free him. If he couldn't do it, she surely could.

Seeing the fire inside a hut, he sped up his running, his figure blurring to any unsuspected creature that he past.

Rin was the only one who could defeat Master Vishnou, he was sure of it. He didn't know how he knew but he just did. She was destined for this.

Finally he reached the hut's entrance and practically crashed through it.

"Where can I find Lord Sesshomaru?" he said gasping for some air after all that running.

"I am right here. Who are you and what do you need boy?" Sesshomaru said, putting on his emotionless mask back on. He refused for others to see him in such distressed, even if it was a boy.

"My name is Takeo and I have news about Rin," Takeo said sitting on his knees in front of Lord Sesshomaru. He went to grab onto Sesshomaru's pants but thought better of it. "She's in terrible danger right now."

At the sound of Rin's name, everybody tensed up. "Where is she?" Sesshomaru stood up, glaring down at the boy.

"She's been captured by Master Vishnou. You need to hurry," he practically begged.

"Lead the way then," Sesshomaru turned to look at Inuyasha when he said that. Inuyasha smirked and said "Don't think you're going by yourself. Someone's got to be there so you won't get killed."

It was then that Sesshomaru felt thankful for the first time that Inuyasha was his brother.

"Alright then, lets go and save Rin," Kagome said, grabbing her weapons.

"You got that right," Sango said grabbing her weapons as well. Miroku stood up also.

Sesshomaru looked at the four and saw that he never truly was alone.

"Where to?" Sesshomaru said to Takeo, carrying him on his back as they all ran across field.

"Just keep running straight." Unknown to the others, Takeo's eyes flickered red, but as quickly as it turned red, it turned back to his original color just as fast.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I know. You're all probalby wondering where the heck I've been. Okay, maybe not but at least let me pretend, dang. <_>

Anyways I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating in like forever, but I've been so busy with finals, school projects and club activites. I'm going to try to finish this story as best as I can.

But yeah, guess what? I got my license. I'm street legal people. Oh yeah. Not to mention, I'm finally a senior...a senior. Be happy or else <_>

Okay, I'll leave now before this little author's note becomes too long. So, ciao for now.