Can You See Me Now?

Seven Years Later

Rin sat up quickly from her bed and grabbed the tip of the sword that came down above her. Twisting it, she threw it aside, making it stick to the wall, and punched the masked stranger in the face. Rolling towards the floor, she kicked their feet and knocked them towards the floor. Sitting on top of them, she grabbed the mask and yanked it off.

"Better luck next time, Hiko," Rin grinned down towards her strange mentor. For years, she has trained under his supervision. Hiko was a forty year old man, he was very handsome for his age, and many times Rin always wondered why he was unmarried. To Rin, he was a great man and over the years she has developed feelings for him, as if he was her very own father, since her real family died when she was just a mere child.

"I have to say, you're still difficult to surprise," Hiko said grinning back.

Getting off of him, she lent out a hand for him to grab and pulled him back to his feet. Watching him brush off any dirt that may have stuck on him from the floor, Rin noticed that his brown hair was shorter than the last time she saw him, which was a month ago, and that he had a scar on his arm that wasn't there last time.

"What happened?" she said frowning and grabbing his arm to inspect it.

"Nothing that you have to worry about,"' he said pulling his arm away from her grasp. "By the way, Lady Ema was looking for you."

Rin groaned when she heard her new governess's name. Walking down the hall from her room, with Hiko, she looked around in paranoia and sighed in relief when she didn't see her.

"You know you have to learn on to become a good wife as well as keeping up with your studies," Hiko said smiling softly at her.

"I told you already, Hiko, I don't plan to get married. It's pointless if you ask me. I don't understand how so man girls could get so excited by just hearing the word "marriage". Besides, that woman gives me the creeps, she's always giving me these odd looks. I'm telling you she's out to get me."

"What would Lord Sesshomaru think if he heard that you have made five other governess quit and this talk of no marriage," he frowned.

"I don't know or really care. Besides, he's not coming back anytime soon, it's been years since we last saw him, so I have nothing to worry about."

Watching Rin starting to get angry at the mention of Lord Sesshomaru, Hiko realized that he should have avoided saying his name. As a matter of fact, Hiko couldn't remember the last time she have ever said his name, he was the one who always said it.

Reaching the training grounds, Hiko walked to one end of the field and unsheathed his sword as Rin did hers. Both getting into a fighting stance, Rin closed her eyes and breathed deeply in, getting rid of any unwanted thoughts. Opening them, she smirked towards Hiko.

"Ready!" she yelled.

"Set!" Hiko yelled back, smirking also.
