Can You See Me Now?

The Fight and the Intruders

Running towards Rin, Hiko swung his sword and missed. Flipping over him, Rin kicked Hiko's back and thrust her sword towards him. Turning around quickly, Hiko blocked it with his own. After a while of fighting, they both noticed some of the servants circling around them to watch the fight. It was common for them to do that. They loved to watch Rin and Hiko fight, since they both gave it their all, as if they were having a battle to death. Which, in a way, it kind of was.

Using all her strenght, Rin pushed Hiko away and jumped away from him. Circling around each other, Rin ran towards Hiko and swung her sword again him as it clashed with his sword. Pushing it to one side with his sword, Rin's sword fell out of her hand and she ducked Hiko's sword just in time. Doing a cartwheel backwards, Rin was able to kick Hiko's chin, making him fly back towards a tree.

Facing one palm towards him, she blasted an energy ball towards him. Dodging it, the tree was hit instead and smoke surrounded the field. Squinting into the smoke, she turned around quickly, materializing a sword into her hand, and aimed it to Hiko's neck as his sword aimed it to her neck. Realizing that the fight was over, the crowd dispersed until Rin and Hiko were finally alone.

"Looks like it's a tie," Hiko said, panting while smiling.

"You just ended it early 'cause I was winning," Rin smirked, panting also.

"Sure," Hiko said giving her an as-if look. "This reminds me, I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes."

"Why?" Rin said warily.

"Just do it," Hiko said almost impatiently. Muttering under her breath, she did as told. "Okay, now put your arms out, palms facing up."

Doing what he said, Rin felt something heavy in her hands. Opening them with Hiko's permission, she saw they were twin swords, all in black. Looking at it in awe, she saw her reflection in them. Her now chocolate eyes sparkled as she squealed in happiness and pratically jumped on top of him.

Laughing he said, "I think you're ready for these now. Don't lose them."

"Oh my god, Hiko you're the best and you must be crazy if you think I'm going to lose them. I have to tell Alice." Runnig back towards the castle, Rin pracitically left skid marks.

Turning a corner, she bumped into something hard and lost her balance. Looking up, her eyes met a pair of familiar gold ones.
