Can You See Me Now?

Welcome Home, I Guess

Looking up, Rin couldn’t believe that Sesshomaru was standing there right in front of her. She noticed that he still looked the same, with the same damn emotionless expression.

“What are you doing here?” she blurted out. Rin always had a habit of talking first without thinking.

“Rin, that is no way to talk to Lord Sesshomaru,” Jaken said, popping out of nowhere and hitting her over her head with his staff. “And what have you done with your hair? Why is it white?”

Growling at him, she gave him a glare while rubbing her head in pain. “I did nothing to my hair, you stupid imp.” At that she got another smack over the head.

Getting up in anger, she snatched his staff away from him and got in his face. “Hit me again and we’re going to learn how far I can throw you from here.”

“How dare you, you stupid human. I will—," at the sight of Rin’s chocolate brown eyes turning a glowing violet, he lost his voice.

“Go on, finish your sentence. I dare you. It’ll give me more satisfaction when I finally rip out you tongue for your lack of manners.” Rin said smiling evilly, making Jaken hide behind Sesshomaru in fright.

“Rin, please don’t kill him,” Hiko walked up to her calmly. He noticed that her eyes were glowing. One more wrong saying and she was going to lose control completely. “Go to your room, Rin.”

“But first let me—“

“Now, Rin,” he said sternly. Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at this.

“Fine, but know this Jaken. Call me a stupid human again, and you will never see the sun again.” At that Rin finally stomped off into the castle.

Going down the hall, she opened her door to her room and slammed it shut. She couldn’t believe that they were back. Rin should have been thrilled to see them again, but her memories of waiting for him for so long just made her angrier.

Grabbing a vase that was on her nightstand, she threw it across her room, making it shatter against the wall into many pieces. Screaming in anger, her eyes started to glow a darker shade of purple and her hair started to fly across her face, as if a strong gust of wind was facing her.

When she finally regained control, Rin leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor. Hugging her knees, she leaned her head against them and felt tears slide down her face. Sobbing now, she felt completely lost and hurt against all reason. The pain was back and all she wanted to do was to make it go away.