Can You See Me Now?

This Is So Not Happening

“You have to do your work, Rin.”

“I know.”

“You are never going to gain a husband this way, Rin."

“I know.”

“Then you must do what I say.”

"I know, Lady Ema.”

“Now stay here, while I go get your things.”

Rin sighed in relief, when Lady Ema finally left. The woman didn’t know when to keep her mouth shut and just leave. Lady Ema was a demon and incredibly young, but the demoness was so old fashioned. How many times does she have to get through to that woman? She was never going to quit, was she?

Turning around quickly, Rin headed towards the library to hide. Maybe if she stayed there all day, Lady Ema wouldn’t find her. The library was, after all pretty large in itself. The room itself could be a house for a family of four.

Sighing softly, she was glad that she made it to the room without bumping into anyone that would rat her out on skipping her lessons.

Walking in, she froze at the doorway. Right at the desk, where she sat at, where she did her work and practiced her witchcraft, was Sesshomaru. He was busy filling out paperwork to notice that Rin was there.

Debating if she should leave or stay, because after all, this room kind of did belong to her, since she spent the majority of her time here, she gasped softly when she heard Lady Ema’s voice.

“Rin, where are you, child?”

Sesshomaru now looked up in surprise. He didn’t even hear her come in. “Rin, what are you doing?”

“Shh…she’ll hear you,” Rin whispered frantically, deciding that hiding from Lady Ema was more important than being mad at him right now. Looking around from left to right, she found a perfect hiding place between dark corners of two book shelves. Putting a finger to her mouth, she signaled Sesshomaru to be quiet as she headed towards it.

“Rin, you ungrateful child, where are—oh, My Lord, I’m so sorry to intrude on you like this, but have you seen Rin? I can’t seem to find her anywhere.”

For a second, Rin thought that he was going to tell on her, but was surprised that all he did was shake his head, indicating that he didn’t, and sent Lady Ema away.

Turning towards Rin, Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at her. Leaving her hiding spot warily, Rin looked at the door to Sesshomaru repeatedly.

“I don’t think she’s coming back, Rin,” Sesshomaru’s said flatly. “Now will you explain to me why you are hiding from your governess?”

Shuffling her feet, she felt awkward being alone with him. She was still angry at him, but she couldn’t shake off the feeling of being inferior to him, no matter how disgusted she was at herself for feeling this way.

“Well?” he said getting annoyed now.

“God, she’s just so annoying. Why do I even have to learn on being a good wife? We all know I’m not getting married anytime soon,” she just blurted out. “And don’t you dare say that you can force me to get married because I’ll kill my ‘fiancé’ and then I’ll killing you,” she added when she saw him open his mouth.

Closing his mouth quickly, Sesshomaru growled quietly. “You better watch your mouth, Rin. I told you, I won’t tolerate.”

“Yeah, yeah” Rin rolled her eyes and turned to leave, but quickly found herself slammed against a wall. Gasping quietly at how close he was, she could practically feel his breath on his face.

Holding her breath in, Rin felt like she was in a daze as she stared at a pair of golden eyes. They were so enchanting that she lost all sense of where she was. Feeling his face was getting closer, Rin failed to notice that she was the one leaning in. When her lips finally landed on his, Rin felt as if electricity were surging between them.

Kissing with such passion, she felt the very breath leave her and enter Sesshomaru as she opened her mouth to let him in. Groaning at the sensation, Rin wrapped an arm around his neck and deepened the kiss.

Finally after kissing for what seemed like hours, they both pulled back and broke the kiss, much to her disappointment. Heading straight towards her neck, Rin closed her eyes in pleasure as she felt kisses running down her neck and…

Waking up suddenly, Rin sat up breathing hard. Looking around in the darkness of her room, she noticed that the kiss was just all a dream. Lying back down, she tried to catch her breath but the vision of them kissing kept coming back to her. Groaning, she rolled over onto her stomach and covered her head with her pillow. Aw, crap. I am so screwed.

“Are you sure you’re alright, Rin?” Hiko said for the third time today, when she kept making mistakes during training.

“Yes, Hiko, I’m alright,” Rin snapped at him. Hiko recoiled in surprise and Rin felt bad for doing that, but his constant questioning was getting on her last nerve. “Look I have to go. I’m getting migraine.”

Walking down the training field to head back to the castle, Rin rubbed her temples in pain. The headache was getting worse by the hour.

After that dream, Rin couldn’t go back to sleep. All night that vision of Sesshomaru and herself kept replaying over and over in her head. By the time morning came, she hadn’t slept a wink all night.

It’s been three weeks since Sesshomaru came back and she hasn’t seen him since he barged into her room and left a bruise on her neck, she didn’t know why the dreams came to her like that all of a sudden. You would think that she would have gotten over him.

Running a hand down her tired face, she turned a corner and ran into something, making her trip and fall towards the ground. Muttering about how people don’t watch where they’re going, she rubbed her bottom as she looked up to find Jaken in the same position as her. Looking at him in irritation, she opened her mouth to yell at him, but closed it shut when she noticed a pair of legs next to him.

Looking up slowly, she saw Sesshomaru looking at her curiously. Groaning at the sensation, Rin wrapped an arm around his neck and deepened the kiss.

“Rin, are you okay?” she faintly heard. Shaking her head to get rid of the unwanted thoughts, Rin scrambled to her feet. Standing up she put a head on her temple and held it from the sudden rush of blood that was sent to her head. Swaying slightly she caught herself before she fell over.

“Rin?” Jaken asked worriedly. Now with Jaken, she has seen plenty of over the last three weeks and she was glad that he no longer insulted her or treated her as if she was inferior to him. To be honest, they were getting along better than she ever thought, even though he still tend to annoy the crap out off her; too bad she couldn’t say the same about Sesshomaru.

“Yeah I’m just…it’s been…I have to go,” she stuttered as she kept shifting her eyes back and forth from Sesshomaru and Jaken. Faintly she could feel a blush on her face creeping up and she needed to get out of here before they noticed. Rin didn't do blushing. Her + blushing = no good.

Turning around quickly, she failed to notice the sudden look of lust in Sesshomaru’s eyes. Walking away she could feel a faint low growl, the same one that she heard in her dreams, and with that she practically flew away. One would think that she had a broom shoved up her ass, too bad that wasn't possible. If it was she would have gotten out of there a long time ago.

You have got to be kidding me. This is so not happening right now.
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Come on people comment me...I feel so alone T_T

Nah I'm joking, but the good news is that more people are reading this. Yay, me!