Can You See Me Now?

Getting Sick


Hiding inside a room, Rin leaned against the door breathing hard. Closing her eyes, she was relieved when she heard Lady Ema finally leave.

Lately Lady Ema was more persistent than ever on giving her lessons. For some reason, her governess was determined to teach her how to be a proper wife and Rin had no clue on why.

"Rin, what are you doing?"

Her eyes snapped opened at the sound of Jaken's voice. Searching the room curiously, she noticed that she hid inside Sesshomaru's office and speak of the devil, there he was, with another demon for that matter.

Rin noticed that he looked anything but annoyed that his little meeting was disturbed. Sorry, it's not like I planned this or anything.

"Answer me, Rin," Jaken snapped, then paled when he realized what he said and in what tone he used it in. "I'm sorry, Rin. Please forgive me."

He sat on his knees and bowed down, making his head touch the floor while apologizing over and over again. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed the demon raising an eyebrow at the scene.

"Lord Sesshomaru, why is your servant apologizing to a low-life human," he said looking at him.

Oh hell no

Rin waited for Sesshomaru to say something and when all she got was a shrug she silently fumed. Very slightly, she felt Jaken tense at what was happening from his position. He didn't move a muscle from his bow, but he knew this was going to end bad.

Jumping onto Sesshomaru's desk, Rin crouched down on it and faced the demon. She felt a little dizzy and grew angrier by the second by Sesshomaru's silence. She didn't know why she felt so angry by just that, usually she had better control over her emotions. Pushing the thought aside, she let the adrenaline take over and let herself lose in the moment.

Not feeling fazed for a moment that Rin was in front of his face he said, "It seems like you need to keep a tighter leash on this wench, Lord Sesshomaru."

At that Jaken gasped in horror, got up, and ran out the door. There was no way in hell that he was going to stay in here and see the outcome of this.

The demon said that looking right through her, as if she wasn't even there. With that, the room grew colder and her eyes turned a dark shade of purple. At the sight of that, the demon's eyes grew wide and he got up quickly.

Backing away slowly, he grew pale as Rin bared her fangs at him. Running out the door, Rin jumped to chase after him, but a hand wrapped around her stomach prevented her from doing that and pulled her back harshly towards the floor.

"Rin, this is getting out of control," Sesshomaru said tightly, his eyes turning a reddish color.

"What the hell is your problem?" Rin said getting up and getting into his face with inhuman speed. "How dare you let that low-life human name ass calling bastard talk to me like that and not do anything about it."

"You better watch your tongue, Rin. I am getting sick and tired of your attitude," he growled.

"Make me," she spat at him.

A loud smack was heard in the room as Rin felt a drop of blood drop towards the floor. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she curled her other hand into a fist and threw it towards his face, hard, making Sesshomaru sway backwards slightly from surprise.

He sure as hell wasn't expecting that. He didn't even mean to hit Rin like that, it just happened.

Picking up her hand she faced her palm towards him and got ready to throw an energy ball at him. Suddenly, she was tackled towards the floor and her hands were bound together from behind her back.

"What the hell were you thinking, Rin?" Vaguely she heard Hiko's voice. Right now Rin was so angry that she could practically see everything in red.

Noticing how dark her eyes were, Hiko cursed under his breath. When Rin didn't answer, he pushed her harder towards the floor. "Answer me. What do you think you were doing to Lord Sesshomaru?"

"Nothing," she hissed back. Growling, Hiko got off of her and grabbed her roughly by her arm and pulled her up.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to have a little talk with Rin, My Lord," Hiko said never taking his eyes off of Rin.

"Do what you must to teach her a lesson," he said. "This wench needs to respect her lord."

"This wench has no lord," Rin hissed. "You lost that title from me years ago."

Pushing Hiko away, she hissed a "Leave me the hell alone" and stomped out of the room.

Walking down the hall, she didn't make it far before all the adrenaline she felt moments ago disappeared instantly. Leaning a hand onto the wall to support her weight, she felt so weak. For some reason a wave of dizziness appeared out of nowhere and she lost her balance. Landing roughly onto the floor, she felt as if her head was going to explode and for a brief moment she lost consciousness.

Hiko sighed after Rin left. "What am I going to do to her?"

Looking down, he noticed a drop of blood on the floor. Faintly he noticed the scent coming from the drop was Rin's. Narrowing his eyes at Lord Sesshomaru, he saw him walk back to his desk and sat back on his chair.

"You better wipe that look off you face before I take your head, Hiko," Sesshomaru said when he saw Hiko glaring at him.

"Do you even care about her?" Hiko said closing his eyes in frustration but doing what he was told.

"About who, Rin?" He said shuffling through a few piles of papers that were in his hands. "All I care about is that demon that she sent away. I was in a middle of a very important meeting with him. Besides, she has lost all respect for her lord. She needs to be punished for that."

"And why do you think she's like that now?"

It was silent for a moment until an ear splitting scream echoed down the hall and into the room. Looking at each other, both demons got up and rushed towards the scream. There were servants crowding over someone, but they couldn't see who it was.

Another scream came out of the middle of the group. "Everybody move" Hiko yelled.

Suddenly he froze and Sesshomaru pushed him out of the way and found out why. It was Rin who was screaming. She was crumbled on the floor and blood was pouring out of her mouth.

Turning around quickly he looked at all the servants worried faces. He has never seen his servants worried about another. All they cared about was their own survival. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed his men were concerned for Rin, too.

One of them caught his eye and said, "She's going to be okay, right?" Others murmured in agreement and asked too.

"Silence," he said getting a migraine from all the noise. "All of you, get out of here." When no one moved he snapped. "Now if you value your life."

At that everybody ran out, but not before looking once more back at Rin. Turning around, he rushed towards Rin and found Hiko holding her hand.

"Rin, what's going on?" he said concerned.

"Don't...know," she gasped out. "It...hurts...Hiko." At that another scream came out of her mouth.

"Hiko, her eyes," Sesshomaru said. They were flashing from purple to blue over and over again.

When another scream came out of her, Sesshomaru decided something was needed to be done now and pushed Hiko aside. Picking her up bridal style, he took her to the only place that he knew to be of any good, but hated. To his half-brother's healer....Kaede.

Somewhere in the darkness of a forest, a sinister laugh was heard. No animal was seen anywhere near the darkness. The air was thick of death, sunlight barely ever made it through that section of the forest.

The time is almost her. Soon, very soon, she will be mine.
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Oh what could be happening to Rin? And who was that that was laughing? Even I don't know. Find out next time to see if anything happens to her or to Sesshomaru.