Take a Look Around, What do you See?


I cried, burying my head into my pillow. She was scared of me! My little Gabby... My baby that I held and loved all these years. Kasey left the room with Gabby to put her back to bed. I had stopped crying, but my head remained in the pillow. I heard footsteps. I heard Kasey's voice drift towards me. "Jessica? Jess please, I didn't mean to hurt you..." I sniffed loudly, and turned my head towards him.
"Kasey, why is she scared of me?" I stared into his eyes.

"Jess...you hit a wall. You probably startled her." Be blinked at me, and sat next me. I sat up and wrapped my arms around him. "Jessie, I know you love her. Just, don't get upset about this. Parents do this all the time."

"Yeah, well most parents are both there for their kids instead of running around getting shot at!!"

"Oh, so you'd rather me get tortured and captured, and letting it go back to the old days, when everyone was enslaved!?" I leaned back from him.

"I...I didn't mean that..."

"Yeah, well you sure as fucking hell put it across!!" I lowered my head in shame. I forgot how much Kasey loved Gabby. "I mean, I didn't want this for us!! I wanted us to be like everyone else. But I also wanted to have the freedom for that, even if it means I end up missing out on most of Gabby's life to get it. I love you Jessica, don't make me the bad one here!!" Tears welled in my eyes. I knew he was right. I turned my head away from him.
"I'm sorry....please....I'm sorry Kasey."