Status: This story is complete.

Hold My Hand.


It's another Sunday, and we're hanging around in the small, shaded seating area. We're at a local coffee place, waiting at the same place we always meet at, patiently awaiting the arrival of the others. Your standing next to me, but, closer than usual. Maybe your not, and it's just my mind playing tricks on me, trying to make it seem like your interested in me like that. I mean, yeah, we're friends, and we're close but, weren't you the one who told me the other night that you were interested in someone else?

I steal a glance at you. Your biting your lip, looking slightly nervous and maybe even a bit shy. A slight breeze blows your hair astray, but I like it. It seems that you can make anything work for you, without even lifting so much as a finger to do so. I watch as you lift your left hand, swishing strands of your hair around from one side to the next, and then back again. A few moments later, you've done fiddling with your hair and start ringing your hands.

"I wonder how long until the rest arrive," you say, softly and gently, so soft, almost like a leaf floating across a path.

"Same," I murmur back silently. You look down at me for a second, before nodding and looking back up. I watch as a young couple come in, hands in each others back pockets, the woman silently laughing at a joke the man had said moments ago. He says something about loving the way she laughs, before pecking her nose. I take a sip of my coffee to stop myself from reaching up to place a kiss on your lips.

Oh, your lips. I've never touched them, though I can only imagine how soft they are. They're a faint shade of pink, and at the moment are in the position of a thin, horizontal line. They seem delicate, like the wings of a butterfly, but one only dreams of the passion they are able to emit. You smile, and your lips curve upwards silently, before you speak.

"Newlyweds," you state simply, before letting out a low, quiet laugh. I look at you and smile, before asking how you would have known that.

"See their body language? How they can barely keep their hands off each other for even the slightest moment? Now, look at their rings-" you look down at me as you say this and smile, "their rings still shine and glisten in the light. Definitely newlyweds," you smile again, and it almost seems like your eyes are searching to find something in my own. I smile, before looking over at the couple.

I watch as the woman orders her coffee, and then the male, only ever letting go of each other to get their money and bank cards out. I look at the female's ring, and your right again. The ruby in the middle of the silver band has a gleam about it, when she moves it around in the light to remove her card from her purse. I then look at the man, whose silver ring, with wording inscribed onto it, shines when the bright lighting hits it. I watch as they move away to await their hot beverages, whispering into each other's ears, and every now and then, stealing kisses from one another.

I sigh lightly before sitting down at an empty table, gently placing my Styrofoam cup down so as not to spill it. You pull up a chair and sit down with me, placing your cup down also before sitting back in your chair. You place your left index finger around the center of the base of your cup, before slowly circling it in a clockwise motion. Suddenly, your finger comes to an abrupt stop. Your hand unclenched from the fist it was previously in, is now laying flat on the table, palm down.

I slowly make my way up to your eye level, letting my eyes roam over your arm, then your elbow, shoulder, neck, ears and finally up to your ever piercing eyes. We stay that way, looking into each others eyes, before your right hand reaches under the table and you hold my hand. I smile softly, and we stay there. Just looking and holding onto one another, and all I can think is that your holding my hand.
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Thank you for reading.