Savior of the Broken

Savior Of The Broken

Gerard Way is a man who inspires and relates and feels like your best friend even though you've probably never met him. Gerard is a man who loves and laughs and never stops even when he needs to.

We are the kids who isolate and build up hate because society pushes us and makes us fall even though they know we are fragile like glass. We wish on falling stars even though we know that they don't fall and our wishes will just build up.

But one day our wishes may have gotten too heavy because a star fell to earth and exploded into Gerard, who had been where we were and understood. Understood that we were not okay and that we were demolition lovers and that our world had us disenchanted. He was everything we needed and still is.

Gerard who has feelings and fears and hated himself. Hated the world he was in so he picked up a microphone then sang, kept singing until we heard him. Kept singing when we found him. Still sang when we cried like newborn babies and fell to our knees with shock and hope. Is still singing and won't stop and never will because he knows and we know that he is what keeps us glued together.

Gerard who sings songs about us and keeps us from falling. Uses words to save us. Tells us to be ourselves and just ourselves no matter what society shoves at us to change. To never give up no matter what keeps pushing us closer and closer to the brink of destruction. That we are The Black Parade and he'll keep marching with us as long as we promise to stand tall. To never forget that he's there to catch us if we promise to catch him too.

Gerard who is the Savior of the Broken even though he's completely shattered himself.
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I know it's short. But I want to know what people think. I liked it, my teacher liked