Let's Make This Last Forever

Wow, I Can Be Sexual, Too

I think this is the fifth or sixth movie we’ve watched so far. I lost count after the third one. Bill and I were laying on the couch, him on the inside and myself on the outside with his arm wrapped around my waist. Sadly, I don’t remember what happened in half of the movies. What can I say? Bill has really irresistible lips. Can’t help it.

We were watching Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End when the front door open and laughter filled the house. I looked at Bill and smiled. “I take it Tom and Shasta are home?” I asked.

He shrugged when Tom and Shasta quietly walked down the stairs. “Come on baby, there’s no one down--oh. Hello. Having fun?” Tom asked.

I nodded. “Wanna join us? You guys are more than welcome to,” I said.

Tom looked at Shasta. “I don’t care,” she said.

He looked back at us before sitting on the floor in front of us. He pulled Shasta onto his lap and kissed her cheek before wrapping his arms around her waist. “Aww! Tomi’s happy!” I said.

“Shhh!” the three other people in the room said.

“Sorry,” I whispered.

“It’s fine,” Tom said, “And yes, I am very happy. I have all my favorite women with me. Mom, my lovely girlfriend, and my best friend of the female gender.”

“And to think everyone thought we were screwing.”

He looked back at me. “Are you serious?” he asked.

I nodded. “Yeah. I think it’s because of your reputation back in school and everyone thought that the only reason I hung out with you guys was to screw you.”

“Wow,” Tom said.

“Shhh! I’m trying to watch the movie,” Bill said.

“Sorry,” Tom and I said at the same time before shutting up.

I felt Bill kiss my cheek. “I love you,” he whispered against my cheek.

“I love you, too,” I whispered back. I rolled around to face him and smiled before kissing the tip of his nose like the loser I am. He rolled his eyes and lightly kissed me, one of his slender hands cupping my face. I wrapped an arm around his middle and pulled myself closer to him. The arm that was wrapped around my waist tightened and his hand rested on the small of my back.

“You know, there are more people than just yourselves in this room. If you two want to suck face so bad, leave and go to our room,” Tom said.

I broke the kiss and whispered, “Sorry Tomi.”

He sighed. “I just don’t want to see the two of you sucking face. Unless you’re trying to prove to me that Bill’s actually got game. Then good luck,” Tom said.

I looked at Bill. “Did you hear that baby? Tomi thinks you don’t have game,” I said.

“We’ll prove him wrong, now will we?” Bill asked smirking.

I shrugged when I was rolled onto my back, squee-ing as it happened. Bill laid on top of me before pressing his lips to mine in a sweet kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt his hand on my right leg. He rested his hand right under my knee before wrapping the leg around his waist. I giggled into the kiss, knowing that Bill was trying to prove he could have game if he set his mind to it. I felt Bill smile into the kiss as he cupped my face with his right hand and resting his left on my waist.

He started kissing down my jaw line to my neck when Tom freaked. “WHOA! Was die Hölle?!” he asked.

Bill broke the kiss and I buried my blushing face in his chest. “And you said I had no game, huh?” he asked. Wow. Bill can be a cocky motherfucker. Good thing he isn’t like that all the time.

I saw Tom’s jaw drop out of the corner of my eye before he smiled. “My little Billa’s all grown up,” he said faux-sniffling, “Where did you learn that?”

“I’m just that good Tom,” Bill replied.

I unburied my face from his chest. “You’re one cocky motherfucker,” I said before burying my blushing face back into his chest.

Bill laughed. “Only sometimes. Whenever I prove Tom wrong. Like now,” he said.

“I taught you well young grasshopper,” Tom said being a dork.

“No Tom. You had it all wrong. It’s padawan learner. Get it right!” I said, although it was sort of muffled.

“Was?” he asked.

Star Wars! God Tomi you are so undereducated!” I replied.

“Yeah well, I’m not pulling a Bill,” he said.

“He’s not pulling a Bill. He’s pulling a Tom. Get it right!” I said


”Ewie Tomi! Do you have to suck face like that? And in front of us? I mean, damn!” I said as I noticed Tom and some bimbo blonde making out.

He broke from his little session and said, “Bite me Anna.”

I shrugged and walked over to him before biting him and running towards Bill. I ran behind him and said, “Hide me! Tomi’s mad!”

“What did you do?” Bill asked.

“She bit me!” Tom replied.

“He told me to! I was just complying!” I replied, “Tell me to bite you and I’m going to! Haven’t you learned that already?! Geeze!”

I looked from behind the safety of my Billa to see Tomi rolling his eyes. “I’m going to go get laid now. Don’t bug me again,” he said before pushing us out of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title owned by Say Anything.

I thought it worked. I had to do that. I wonder if Bill really is ever a cocky mofo??? *wonders* to Cha-Cha!!! Awayyyyyyy!!!!!


Comments are wanted like the Kaulitz twins. :]