Let's Make This Last Forever

Supermassive Black Hole

I was in the kitchen eating a blueberry bagel. The twins were sleeping and Second Mommy and Second Daddy were both at work. I sat at the little island and relaxed when I heard someone walk down the stairs. I looked behind me to see that it was Tom. “Guten Morgen Tom,” I said.

He nodded and sat next to me. “Morning,” he said resting his head on the island.

“Sleep good?” I asked.

He nodded. “What time is it?” he asked.

“Eleven thirty,” I replied.

“Do you want to go and hang out for a bit? Bill won’t be up until noon or twelve thirty,” he asked.

I nodded. “Let me get dressed and leave Bill a note, kay?” I asked getting up.

“Yeah,” he said as I headed up the stairs. I grabbed my outfit and threw it on. Walking into Bill’s room, I wrote a note telling him I was hanging out with Tom. I left him my number in the note and kissed him on the cheek before heading out of the room and down the stairs.


“So, what are your plans for today?” Tom asked as we ate waffles. Yummy waffles.

“No clue. I was probably going to hang out at the house. See if Bill wanted to do anything. You?” I asked.

“No clue. I feel like winding down a bit. We’ve been touring a lot lately. I just want to relax. Put my feet up and not do anything, you know?” he replied.

“Yeah. I get what you mean.”

“So, has my darling little brother asked you out yet?”

I shook my head. “Not yet.”

“He’s going to soon. He just doesn’t know how he’s going to or where.”

“It doesn’t matter where to me.”

“But this is Bill we’re talking about. It matters to him. He wants to give you a moment you’ll remember forever.”

“Dude, he could ask me out in my room and I’d remember it forever.”

“Bill’s a hopeless romantic. He’ll want it to be special for you. He really loves you. When you left, he moped. And moped. And moped some more. I mean, I was moping as well. I had just lost my best friend. But Bill, he lost not only his best friend, but the love of his life. He’s loved you since we were thirteen. He was always afraid to tell you, though. No clue why. It didn’t matter who you hung out with. Bill and I were always the guys you’d come to if you needed anything.”

I smiled. “Thirteen?”

“Yeah. It was at your birthday party. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Especially the outfit.”

“Oh my God I thought my dad was going to kill me for what I was wearing. He helped pay for it. And, if I remember correctly, you couldn’t keep your eyes off me either!”

“Well, that’s because I wasn’t used to seeing you in pink! Bill wanted you though.”

My eyes widened. “Wow.”

“Yeah. He told me he couldn’t help but look at you. And all honesty, I didn’t know you had the boobs you had until you wore that dress.”

I slapped his arm. “That’s nasty talk that I don’t want to hear from you. You have a girlfriend.”

“And she’s heard the story of when Bill first fell in love with you. Of course, the boobs comment slipped out and I got hit by both of them. They’re so mean to me!”

I hugged him. “Ist k Tom. I still love you. You’re like my big brother.”

He hugged back. “At least someone loves me.”

I chuckled and we stopped hugging. “So, what are you wanting to do after this?” Tom asked.

“No clue. Wanna walk around? Or do you not want to be noticed just yet?”

“It’s fine. I have sunglasses and a beanie cap for my dreads. Where to?”

We stood up and Tom dropped the money on the table, along with a tip. “No clue. I haven’t been here in forever. I wonder if the arcade is still here!”

“It is. And Rolf’s still running the place.”

“Rolf! I wanna see Rolf!”

“Okay. Let’s go.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title owned by Muse.

Yay Tomi and Anna time!!

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Here's her outfit: outfit

Here's the outfit Tom was talking about: outfit