Let's Make This Last Forever


Tom and I arrived to the arcade we always went to when I still lived here. There was pinball and racing games and PACMAN and all the fun games. I looked around, happy as could be when I heard a voice yell, “Tom! Hey man!”

I looked to see Rolf. He owned the place. Last time I saw him, he was twenty-three, tattoo-less, and had blonde hair. Now he’s, at the most, twenty-six, has sleeves on both his arms, and bright red hair. “Hey Rolf. How’s it going?” Tom asked, dragging me over with him.

“Great. You guys haven’t come on since you told me Anna moved to the States. How is she?” Rolf asked.

“You can ask me yourself,” I replied, making my presence known.

Rolf looked at me and his eyes widened. “Anna!” he said before hugging me.

“Rolf!” I said with the same excitement as I hugged him back.

We stopped hugging and he said, “Wow. You grew up. How have you been? Taking care of yourself? How long have you been back? How long are you back for?”

I laughed. “I’m good. Yes I’m taking care of myself. I’ve been back a day. I’ll be back as long as Tom and Bill aren’t sick of me,” I replied.

“Great. You have to come by more and see me. And you have to see Alexander! He’s missed you as much as I have,” Rolf said.

Alexander was Rolf’s boyfriend. Yeah, Rolf’s idea of a perfect match involves stubble, strong arms, and equipment I will never possess. Oh well. I still love the guy like a big brother I wish I had.

“I’ve missed Alex! How is he?” I asked.

Rolf smiled before showing me his hand. Okay? I looked closer to see a ring on the ring finger. Wait a minute. That’s his left hand. “You mean, you guys finally got a priest to perform a ceremony for you guys?!” I asked hopefully.

He nodded. I squee-ed and hugged him. “I’m sorry I missed it Rolf. Where is Alex? I want to see all the people I knew when I lived here.”

“He’s at work. He’s working at the radio station now. He quit his last job because he boss was a homophobic bastard. What time is it?”

“Noon,” Tom replied.

“Well, he should be going on his lunch break soon. Wanna see him?” Rolf asked.

I nodded excitedly when my phone rang.

And tell you’re boyfriend if he says he’s got beef that I’m a vegetarian and I ain’t fucking scared of him...

I grabbed my phone and asked, “Hallo?”

“Hallo Anna,” Bill said.

“Billa! Hey. What’s up?”

“Just woke up and got your note. Having fun?”

“Yeah. We’re at the arcade we used to go to all the time and are visiting with Rolf. We’re getting ready to see Alex.”

“Cool. Hey, after you and Tom get back, do you want to go out to dinner with me?”

“Yeah. Sounds fun. Where at? I’ll have to dress accordingly.”

“A nice place. Where something pretty, okay?”

“Got it. Well, we’re getting ready to go see Alex. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“Okay. Tell Rolf and Alex I said hey.”

“Got it.”

“I love you.”

I smiled. Man, that boy had me. “I love you, too. Bye.”


“Who was that?” Rolf asked as I hung up the phone.

“Billa. He said hey. Now, I want to see my Alex-boo. Let’s go!”

Rolf and Tom laughed as we left the arcade, Rolf flipping the sign to closed the locking the doors.

(Mall. Food court.)

“Okay, I don’t see my Alex-boo,” I said looking around, “Did he change his appearance on me like you did?”

“Just his ha--” he started when I heard a thud and an “oof” from behind me, Tom laughing a bit after.

I turned around laughed at the sight. Rolf was on his back and the short man we call Alex was kissing his cheek like there was no tomorrow. Tom was doubled over laughing.

“Rolf! I missed you! I was so bored today! You have no idea,” Alex said.

“Baby, I love you and all, but you need to get off me, okay?” Rolf asked smiling.

Alex nodded and got off him. He looked at me and, tilting his head to the side, asked, “Who are you?”

“Oh, just Anna,” I replied shrugging.

Alex’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. “Anna!” he said before hugging me, his blonde, blue, and green hair flying around.

“Alex!” I said hugging him back.

Alex picked me up and spun me around. Damn! For a short man, he’s strong. I laughed and he set me down, unwrapping his arms from around me. “Ach mein Gott! When did you get here? How long have you been here? How have you been? How long are you going to be here? Ah I missed you!” he said before hugging me again.

“Got here yesterday. Been here a day. I’ve been good. I’ll be here as long as Bill and Tom aren’t sick of me. Ah I missed you, too!” I replied hugging him again.

We stopped hugging and I said, “Love the hair. It’s crazy.”

“I know. The priest wouldn’t stop staring at it,” Alex said running his fingers through it, “Did Rolf tell you?”

“Yes he did,” I replied.

He smiled his million Watt smile when said asked, “Wait? You’re staying with Bill and Tom? And they didn’t even come with you to see me?”

“I did. Bill was sleeping when we left,” Tom replied.

Alex turned to see Tom. “Tomi!” Alex said hugging him.

“Okay, I’m stealing my husband from you, Tom,” Rolf said smiling.

Alex stopped hugging Tom and walked over to Rolf. He wrapped his arms around his neck and said, “Hey baby.”

“Hey yourself,” Rolf said wrapping his arms around Alex’s small waist.

“I’m hungry,” I said, ruining the moment.

Tom, Rolf, and Alex looked at me. “Was? I’m a little hungry,” I said.

Tom rolled his eyes and said, “Then let’s get something to eat, okay?”

I nodded as we tried to decide where to eat.


“Billa! I’m home!” I said walking inside. After we had lunch and said bye to Rolf and Alex, Tom and I had walked around the mall and, as Tom put it, had to go birthday shopping for all the birthdays of mine he missed. So, we went shopping.

“Bill! If you don’t come down here in five seconds, I’m stealing Anna and there’s nothing you can do about it,” Tom said.

I heard movement from the kitchen and Bill poked his head out, causing me to laugh at the sight. He had flour in his hair and on his nose. “She’s my Anna. I don’t play well with others,” he said smiling.

“Bill, why are you covered in flour?” Tom asked.

“I’m trying to make noodles. But, as you can see, I’m failing in keeping the flour in one place,” Bill replied.

“You look silly,” I said.

He nodded. “Now, did you get something pretty for tonight?” he asked.

“Yep,” I said waving the few bags I had around with my outfit for tonight, “Right here. Now, I’m going to go get a shower and ready. We leave when?”

“Seven,” Bill replied.

I looked to see that it was four-thirty. “Enough time. I’ll be back my Lieblinge,” I said before heading up the stairs to my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title owned my Muse.

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Here's her outfit for her date with Bill: outfit