Let's Make This Last Forever



Mom, Barny, and I waited at JFK Airport until I had to leave. I had insisted on Barny coming. After all, he is like my grandpa in so many ways And he did buy my plane ticket to Germany.

“Flight 483 to Berlin is now boarding. Flight 483 to Berlin now boarding,” the man over the intercom announced.

I hugged mom and Barny before saying, “I’ll call when I land.”

“Alright Anna. I love you,” mom said.

“Love you, too mom,” I said.

“Have fun doll,” Barny said.

“I will,” I said before walking towards security. After going through security and getting on the plane, I put my ear buds in my ears and “Undead” by Hollywood Undead started playing in my ears. I looked out of my window as the plane ascended into the air.

*Berlin Airport*

Okay, Barny said that someone would have a sign with my name on it. And I’m not seeing anyone with a sign that has my name on it. Maybe if I stand on one of the chairs I can see above everyone.

I stood up on one of the chairs and looked around to see people everywhere. Wait, I found it! A guy’s holding it. He looks familiar, too. Don’t know where from though. Oh well.

I got down and grabbed my bags before walking towards the guy with the sign. I got to him and was about to say something when I suddenly recognized him.

He looked at me and asked, “Anna?”

I smiled. “Hey Gordon. Wow, this is a surprise,” I said.

He nodded when I sat my bags down and hugged him. He hugged me back and asked, “How have you been kiddo?”

“Good. Does anyone else know I’m here?” I asked.

We stopped hugging and he replied, “Simone does. The boys aren’t home and won’t be until tomorrow. I think. Anyway, let’s get you back to Magdeburg. Simone hasn’t stopped preparing for you to get here.”

I nodded and the two of us walked out of the airport towards an Escalade.

“It’s Tom’s. He leaves it here whenever they tour,” Gordon explained as we threw my bags in the trunk.

“Ah. It’s really nice,” I said before getting the passenger seat.

Gordon got in and said, “Let’s go. Simone might strangle me if we don’t get there soon.”
I smiled as we left the airport parking lot and started the drive towards Magdeburg.

*Magdeburg (Kaulitz-Trümper house)*

“Simone! Guess who I have?!” Gordon exclaimed as we entered the house I was all to familiar with.

“Anna!” I heard Simone exclaim from the kitchen. A few seconds later, she walked out into the hall. She still looked the same since I last saw her. She enveloped me in a hug and said, “Oh how I missed you. And you’ve grown. My baby girl is all grown up. Oh just wait until Bill and Tom get home tonight. Oh, they’ll be so surprised. My god you’ve become a beautiful young woman Anna.”

I hugged her back and said, “I missed you, too second mommy.”

“Simone, did you say that the boys were going to be home tonight?” Gordon asked.

Tonight?! “Yeah. Bill and Tom called saying so just a few minutes ago. They don’t know that Anna’s here. That’ll be a surprise,” Simone replied.

“Ah. Well Anna, we’ll take your things upstairs to the guest room and get you situated,” Gordon said.

I nodded before grabbing one of my two bags, seeing as Gordon had the other, and we the two of us walked upstairs towards the guest room, which was right across from Bill and Tom’s room. The two of us walked in and set the suitcases on the full-sized bed and Gordon said, “I’ll let you get situated. We’ll be downstairs if you need us.”

I nodded as I opened on of my suitcases. Gordon left the room as I started unpacking my clothes. I put my pajamas, tank tops, and underclothes in the dresser and my jeans and shirts in the closet. I left my other things, like my make up, jewelry, womanly things, and CDs, in my suitcases. After setting them under the window, I sat down on the bed when I remembered something. I pulled out paper and a pen before writing what I needed to write. I folded it and wrote Bill’s name on the front before putting it in my pocket and leaving the room. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see Gordon and Simone sitting at the table talking. Simone saw me and said, “Do you have everything situated Anna?”

I nodded. “I think I’m going to take a nap. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the entire ride over,” I said.

She nodded before asking, “Do you want me to give that note to Bill?”

I was about to ask what she meant when I saw that the note was sticking out of my pocket. I nodded before pulling it out and handing it to her. She hugged me and said, “It’s so good to have you here Anna. We missed you. Now take that nap and I’ll wake you up when the boys get here.”

“Okay second mommy,” I said hugging her back. I hugged Gordon as well before heading upstairs. I walked passed Bill and Tom’s room when I walked up to the door and opened it.

Walking in, it felt like I was fifteen again. Posters all over the white walls, clothes everywhere, and random junk on the floor. I walked over to their closet and opened it, running my hands over their clothes. I pulled out on of Tom’s over-sized shirts and changed into it before sitting on Bill’s bed. I slipped my pants off, since Tom’s shirts go down almost to my knees, and laid down, laying my head on Bill’s pillow. I took in his scent before I fell asleep.
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