Let's Make This Last Forever

Check Yes Juliet

“Tom you Dr. Pepper douche bag! Stop stealing my damn fries!” I said as Tom stole another fry. We, the guys and myself, were at McDonald’s for lunch/dinner/snack.

Georg and Gustav looked at me before asking, “Dr. Pepper douche bag?”

“Ah man! And I’m drinking Dr. Pepper too! You suck Anna!” Bill said before pushing his drink away.

I switched his drink out with my Mountain Dew. “There, drink my Mountain Dew,” I said before taking a sip of his Dr. Pepper that he abandoned.

“Okay,” Bill said before taking a drink of it.

I shook my head. “You are still the same dork I knew from when we were younger,” I said when I saw a group of girls looking our way. “Only more wanted by hormonal teenage girls now than before.”

Tom shrugged. “What can I say? The ladies love me,” he said.

“I was talking to Bill dummarsch,” I said.

He frowned. “What? What about last night! Didn’t that mean anything?!” he asked.

I laughed. “Tom, you are strange.”

He nodded. “I know. But you know you want me.”

I shook my head before getting up and sitting on Bill’s lap. “No thank you Tom. I likes this loser better. His hair’s amazing,” I said before petting Bill’s hair. I used to do this when I still lived here and I was bored at their house.

“Ha! See? She still wants me! I told you!” Bill said wrapping his arms around my waist before I stole a fry only to hit his chin lightly.

“Open Bill,” I said.

He opened his mouth and made a cute facial expression before I put the fry in his mouth. “You can close you mouth now Bill,” I said.

“Oh,” he said before chewing on the fry.

“Wow, and I thought he was strange before the tour,” Georg said, Gustav nodding in agreement.

“Eh, I like strange,” I said.

Bill looked at me before winking. I rolled my eyes and stole another of Bill’s fries before eating it in front of him. What? Mine were on the other side of the table.

“Hey! That’s mine!” Bill said pouting.

“I’m sorry,” I said before stealing on of Tom’s fries. “Here,” I said. “Open up.”

He opened his mouth and I put Tom’s fry I stole in his mouth. “Hey! You took my fry!” Tom said. Finally he noticed.

“Well, I fries are all the way over there and I’m…well, not,” I said pointing to my fries on the other side of the table.

Tom rolled his eyes before going back into his conversation with Georg and Gustav. I looked at Bill and loudly whispered, “I think Tomi’s mad at me.”

“I’m not mad Anna,” Tom said.

I rolled my eyes. “And quit rolling your eyes at me,” he said.

Heilige scheisse! How the hell did he know I was doing that? I looked at Bill and said, “Tom’s scaring me.”

He nodded. “Me, too,” Bill said.

“One of my many talents,” Tom said.

“Yeah. Along with being a dork, a loser, and a weirdo,” I said.

He rolled his eyes. “You left out my seducing ladies talent,” he said.

“Can you seduce any lady?” I asked.

Tom nodded. “Seduce me then,” I said crossing my arms. Bet he can’t.

“No! She’s mine Tomi!” Bill said tightening his arms around me.

“Bill,” I whispered in his ear. “Tom wouldn’t be able to. He wouldn’t know how with me.”

“Not in public Anna. You wouldn’t be able to control yourself when I was done,” Tom said.

I slapped him upside the head and said, “Someone’s overconfident.”

He fixed his hat and said, “Just wait. You won’t be able to resist.”

I rolled my eyes. “Only one person has been able to seduce me thank you.”

“Who?” three of them asked. Guess who didn't.

I shrugged. “You’ll have to guess,” I replied.

“Ehm, is he American?” Tom asked.

I shook my head. “German?” Tom asked.

I nodded. Suddenly Tom’s eyes widened. “OH! I knew it! Was it that one time you came over and slept over while your parents were fighting worse than ever?” he asked.

I slowly nodded. Tom smirked and looked at Bill. “I knew it.”

I looked at Bill and he said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Tom. I told you I never did anything.”

“I didn’t know you had it in you Billa,” Tom said smirking.

“I’m confused,” I said.

Tom looked at me with a “you should know. It happened to you” look. “Who told you?!” I asked suddenly.

“You did. Just now,” he replied.

Realization hit in and I face palmed myself. “Scheisse,” I said. “You’re evil Tom. Pure evil.”

“Eh, I’m just good like that,” he said.

I hit him and said, “I’m not liking you right now.”

“Agree,” Bill said.

“Oh come on. You know you guys love me,” Tom said.

I looked at Bill and asked, “So, how’s your day?”

“Pretty good. I’m home from tour, my best friend in the whole wide world is back, AND I’m at McDonald’s. I’m a happy camper right now,” he replied. “You?”

“Same. I’m home, I get to see my bestest friends in the whole wide world, excluding the evil one whom we don’t mention, and I get to sit on your lap while eating McDonald’s food. I’m good,” I replied before reaching over the table and grabbing my fries.

“Hey come on! I’m sorry guys!” Tom said.

“Did you hear something?” Bill asked.

“If you’re talking about the little whining noise behind me, yeah. Don’t know what it is, though,” I replied.

“What now Tom?!” Gustav said.

“Come on! I’m sorry! Bitte?! I want a hug!” Tom said, saying the last part sadly.

I looked at Bill. “Again with the annoying noise Bill. It’s starting to--TOM!” I exclaimed when I was pulled off of Bill’s lap and onto Tom’s.

“I want a hug damn it!” he said.

I sighed and hugged him. “Happy?” I asked.

He nodded. “Now it’s my turn to have you sit on my lap. Bill was being an Anna hog and no one likes an Anna hog,” Tom replied.

“Hey! No fair! That’s my line!” Bill said.

I rolled my eyes. “It looks like they both want you,” Georg said.

“What can I say? The men love me,” I replied. “I have to beat them away with a stick half the time.”

“What about the other half?” Tom asked.

“Well, I’m not a slut like you,” I said.

Tom pouted. “I sorry Tomi! I wuv you!” I said before hugging him.

“You better be,” he said hugging me back. Wait, neither of them denied wanting me.

“Tom? Bill?” I asked.

“Yeah?” they asked at the same time.

“Why did neither of you deny wanting me when Georg said that you did?” I asked curiously.

“You didn’t give me a chance to say something,” Tom replied.

Bill was silent. I looked at Bill before getting off of Tom’s lap and walking over to Bill. I looked at him and smirked before kissing his cheek. He looked up at me and his cheeks turned a deep shade of red. Aw!

“Hey! Why don’t we go back to our place and watch some movies? And no Titanic,” Tom said.

We nodded and threw our trash away before leaving. I looked at Bill and asked, “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

He thought for a minute when he asked, “Nightmare Before Christmas?”

I nodded as we walked side-by-side. I looked at Bill from the corner of my eye. Taking a deep breath, because I didn’t know if he had a girlfriend or not, I grabbed his hand and held it in mine, lacing our fingers.

He looked at me and smiled as we walked back to Tom’s Escalade.
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Title owned by We the Kings.

Sorry i haven't updated this one. Writer's block sucks ass.
Comments are like Tokio Hotel under the Christmas tree. Wanted.