It Went Down In Flames

Getting the girl...

“Are you sure we’re supposed to be here?” I queried, raising my voice to be heard over Pete’s car radio, nervous for a yes and nervous for a no.

“Yes, now stop asking.” Pete found the whole predicament rather amusing.

“But what if she doesn’t what me there?”

“She will. And anyway I was invited with my ‘plus one’. And I know that means my partner but they didn’t know him-”

“Neither did I!” I interrupted.

“And you just seemed most suitable.”


“Just accept that you are meant to be with Alice. I know you like her.” Pete had stopped the car and started to perfect his look.

“How do you know?” Pete looked at me and paused.

“You have that look.” Raising one eyebrow, I turned off the radio. “Everyone I’ve seen whose had a successful relationship has had that look. You have it. And she had it.”

“You expect me to believe that Mr Cheesy?” I asked sarcastically. “What film did you steal that from then?”

“So funny.” Pete replied in the same tone as me. He then checked his watch. “Lets go hear a will.”

We entered what I presumed to be Mr Reid’s house and Pete left me to start up conversations with loads of random strangers like they were old friends. Well, a voice in my head reminded me, they could be. Either way, I felt like the grumpy teenager dragged along to a family party, you know when you’re too old for playing games but too young to be included by the adults. The only difference was the fact that these people weren’t my family. I didn’t know anyone here.

“Brendon?” Or maybe I did.

I turned around to see Alice’s brother. Without Alice.

“Hey.” I replied. “Alice told me loads about you. She just skipped your name.”

“It’s Rob.” He looked around expectantly. “Are you here on your own then?”

“You a fan or something?” Fearing a mob attack, I listened carefully for his response.

“Yeah but that’s not why I’m asking.” I gave him my questioning look. “Well if he isn’t here then you must be here on your own. You wouldn’t come for the will reading on your own so you must be here for my sister.” His little speech seemed very planned.

“Well Pete is here.” I replied sharply. “And I don’t care where your sister is.” I added just to be harsh.

“Liar.” He had a smirk on his face. “You like her. I can tell. You have that look.”

“Does every know about this ‘so-called’ look?” I spurted angrily. “And so what if I like your sister?”

He grinned at me. “Exactly what I wanted to hear.”

I spun round and, sure enough, she was behind me. I opened my mouth to explain but she beat me to it.

“Don’t even start. And Robert I could just kill you right now!” Both their faces fell; Alice immediately tried to put it right. “I’m sorry, bad choice of words. But they’re deciding who you live with and you’re not exactly helping my case!”

She stormed off. Rob shot me an apologetic glance and ran after her. I was alone again. How pathetic, my only friend was thirteen years old. Pete didn’t count anymore; he had left me. But even the worst friends (which Pete doesn’t actually come under) come back when they want something.

“Brendon! I need your help.” Pete was puffing; clearly he had been rushing around to find me.

“Pete I’m in the exact same spot as when you left me.”

“Will you be my witness?”

“You’re already married.” I reminded him.

“A character witness.” He corrected himself. When I asked why he continued. “I might be getting custody of the little boy, Robert.”

My heart sank. I knew that what Alice wanted more in the world right now was to have Rob with her. It was going to destroy her. My emotion was obviously clear on my face as Pete asked me what was wrong.

“Alice.” I replied, still not looking up, trying to formulate a plan in my head to help her. “It’ll destroy her if Rob’s not with her, he’s all she has left.” My plan had formed and was ready. “Pete how much do you want Rob with you?”

“Enough.” He replied.

“If I make you sound good but her sound better will you kill me?”

“All’s fair in love and war.” He replied, smiling, in on my thoughts. “If you love her then I already know what you’ll do. I don’t mind.”

“Mr Urie, do you think that Mr Wentz could support Rob and help him to grow up in a loving and healthy environment?” The man in front of me asked. I felt like a criminal on trial but that may have been down to the fact that I felt guilty because my words had already been planned in my head.

“Pete, Mr Wentz I mean, could most definitely provide a secure home for Rob. He has the money, the love, and the support system. But I think that family is more important than security.” I noticed Alice look up at me from the corner of the room where she was sat. “I’ve spoken to Alice, Pete and Rob today. I think that you should let Rob choose and if I know anything about this whole situation then he’ll choose Alice. I think that, no I know that she can provide just as much for Rob as Pete can and she needs him as much as he needs her.” Everyone looked confused at my opinion.

“But Mr Urie, Alice has proven that she cannot support him economically.”

“Then let Mr Wentz help her.” I replied. “I don’t know why Pete has a claim to the custody of Rob-”

“His name is on the will as Alice’s godfather so therefore he’s Rob’s closest legal guardian.” The lady sat next to the man who clearly didn’t like me added in helpfully.

“Well if he’s Rob’s godfather then he can still have an input to his life. Both money wise and in visiting the pair to see how they’re getting on. Pete travels a lot so his home really isn’t stable enough for a child but it does mean that it’s not hard for him to visit Alice in London to see them. That’s all I have to say on this matter. I don’t have anything else to input.” I ended my opinion, leaving the room so the social workers/legal people could decide what would be done.

“That was a really nice thing what you did back there.” Pete had caught up with me and clapped me round the shoulders. “They’re speaking to Rob at the moment. But I think their minds are pretty much made up.” I nodded. Pete glanced behind us. “And I think a certain someone wants to speak with you.”

Pete slipped away into conversation, as I turned round. Alice was stood there bathed in light, looking like a goddess. The light caught her body at all the right angles and the glint on the heart shaped locket round her neck set off the heavenly glow perfectly.

“Brendon?” Alice asked curiously, pulling me from my internal vision of her. She had moved much closer to me. “I just wanted to say thanks for what you did for me. Even if I don’t get Rob, it means a lot to me that you tried.”

My heart swelled at her words. “I couldn’t let them split you. I care about you too much.” I thought back to what she had heard earlier and tried to reason her reaction. Taking her hand in mine, it clicked. Her dad. “I know this is the worst timing in the world but I don’t know when I’ll see you again and I want you to know this.”

I watched her eyes widen as she hooked onto my train of thought. Swallowing my nerves, I continued with some of the most important words of my life.

“Alice I, I like you. Rather a lot.”

A smile broke out on her face and was mirrored on mine. She moved to hug me but, before she could, Pete grabbed her arm. I hadn’t even noticed him approach him.

“They want to speak to us.”

He started to drag her away so I yelled after him.

“Way to ruin the moment!” I slammed my hand down against the table, gaining myself some condescending looks from the people surrounding me.

The next ten minutes lasted for ten years. I knew that she felt the same. She knew that I felt the same. I wanted to kiss her.
This sudden desire took me by surprise yet I knew that I would never have the guts to do it.

“Brendon!” Alice yelled from across the room, flying towards me. “I got Rob! He’s staying with me!” She ran at me and, before I knew it, her lips crashed onto mine. I moved my hand to the small of her back and held her to me. A perfect puzzle.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is not the planned end...

but I don't have anything else written yet. But there is more plot to come!