Sequel: Rachel's Blog

Everything Changes

Chapter 12

Hey guys, this is Rachel. I very much hope that you enjoyed the short story that I wrote explaining how I met and fell in love with Jimmy. Everything was so crazy during the time so hopefully I explained everything well to you guys. Officially this story has ended but fear not, I am starting a blog so you will still be able to get updates on our crazy lives. I'm sure there will never be a shortage of things to discuss. I just wanted to say that you so much for all of your support. I'm very glad you guys like this story and I can't wait to share the rest of my life with you.

So, here is the link to my blog. I have posted the first one that explains a bit about what has happened since I met Jimmy.

Rachel's Blog

It's just titled Rachel's Blog because I wasn't creative enough to come up with a clever name. Any suggestions?

Well, thanks you guys once again for reading and I hope you enjoy my blog. :D

Have a great day

Rachel Jonas
♠ ♠ ♠
and that is the end of this story :D

I know it was short but this one was never meant to be long. If you want to see how Jimmy and Rachel's lives are going click on the link to her blog and she will let you know.