The Day the Tooth Fairy Dies

The day the fairy dies

I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom “stupid wonky tooth” I moaned
“Jake your not pulling that tooth out are you?”
“no mum”
“good because bad things will happen if you do”
“what ever ma” I sighed and gripped my tooth,
“three..two ahhhhhhhh crap” I screamed I looked a a bloody puddle in my hand and a bloody tooth. I smiled with accomplishment. I picked up my tooth brush and brushed my teeth with a grin, the days that tooth had been annoying me.
I walked out the bathroom walking pass my mother
“you’ll pay for that Jake I warned you” I laughed at her stupid ness, I kicked my bedroom door open tossing my tooth onto my bed.
I jumped as I heard a tap on my bedroom window, I crept over to it warily, I heard another tap, this time more urgent. I opened my curtains, I gasped and stepped backwards nearly tripping over in shock. “melph” a little high pitched cry rang through my room “what the?”
“MELPH” I stared up at a little fairy desperately trying to get into my room, I looked at it in pure confusion, she made a hand gesture, meaning I should open the window… so I did just that. She flew around my head panicked “what did you do!” she yelled at me, I raised an eyebrow
“seriously what the hell?!”
“im the tooth fairy and you’ve just condemned me to death!”
“no seriously what the hell” I got a bit panicky now,
“the tooth, your last one! Im now useless so I die”
“are you taking this seriously!?”
“uh kind of, I mean I don’t know… did I smoke something?” she sighed then coughed,
“this is it, I hope your happy”
“ I am that tooth was bugging me” I grinned
“im dieing”
“oh” she suddenly fell onto my bed twitching,
“uhm are you dead?” I poked her useless life form she took a deep ragged breath
“I can see a light”
“uhm can you die quietly? My parents are in bed” I looked away she cried out loudly then stopped moving I took a deep breath and was about to greave for her, she let in another breath
“oh the pain the agony”
“uh im sorry for killing you”
“i…I cant feel my legs” she went limp once more, this time I poked her nothing happened.
It suddenly hit me, what if my mum finds out I killed the tooth fairy? I scooped her up in my hands quickly, I looked around my room for ideas.. LOO ROLL! I could rap her up and bury her, I ran into the bathroom
“honey are you in there” a loud voice boomed, I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. The door opened a little, I dropped her in shock, I heard a tiny splash
“what’s the matter?”
“Nothing mom”
“flush that will you” I grimaced and pulled the chain.
♠ ♠ ♠
lawl again