I Just Need a Little Time

Chapter 43

"Hunter, let's go," Kent said, pulling me out of the door.

"Okay, okay," I laughed, going along with him. "Where are we going?" I asked him.

"I can't tell you that for sure, but I can say that it's gonna be rather simple," he smiled at me.

"Okay, that's fine," I said sincerely.

He pulled me out into the drive way and into a car. I sighed and got into the car.

"Close your eyes," he told me. He guided me along for a minute or two before stopping. "Okay, open them," he said to me.

"A picnic?" I asked him as I looked at the scene before me. He smiled and nodded at me.

"I'm still not entirely sure what else I could do around here, so I figured a picnic is the best thing," he said, kicking the ground a little bit.

"Aww, it's sweet," I said to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He smiled and gestured for me to sit down. I did so and he took a seat next to me.

"So, I'm not exactly the greatest cook," he started.

"That's fine," I told him.

"Well just to save us both from the potential food poisoning, I figured I'd just buy Burger King," he said and pulled a bag of BK from the picnic basket.

"Well that's nice too," I smiled and hugged him from the side.

"So did I do good on this vacation?" he asked me after a little bit of silence.

"You did very good on this vacation," I told him laughing. "You're a very sweet person and I love you," I sid to him.

"You what?" he asked.

"What?" I asked him.

"What did you just say," he asked, his smile widening. I sighed and smiled.

"I love you Kent," I said to him. He smiled widely and kissed me deeply. I smiled at him.

"I love you too," he smiled, wrapping his arms around me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, pulling a single flower out of nowhere. I smiled at him.

"Of course," I said softly, taking the flower. He tightened his grip around me, pulling me closer to him. I simply smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.


"I'm gonna miss you guys," Jamie whined loudly. "I don't want you to go," she said.

"Well maybe next year you can come visit us in Texas," I laughed.

"Maybe," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "Only time can tell," she said.

"I suppose," I said smiling. I gave her a tight hug. We broke apart and she wandered back over to Jared. I smiled at the two of them.

"You gonna miss it here?" Jamie asked.

"I'm gonna miss you, but I've come to figure out that California was never really my home," I said. "So I probably won't miss it here too much, maybe the beach though," I laughed.

"I'm sick of the beach, you can have it whenever you want," she laughed. I grinned and nodded at her.

Flight 225 to Texas, now boarding

I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. I gave another quick hug to Jared and Jamie.

"So I guess this is good bye," Jamie said to me.

"Nah, this is just a temporary separation," I told her.

"You ready Kent?" I asked him. He gave a quick hug to Jamie and shook Jared's hand before nodding to me.

"I'm ready to go back home," he said happily. I nodded at him and smiled widely. He put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him. We picked up our carry on cases and headed towards the plane.

"Man, it's gonna be odd being back in Texas," I said.

"That's the longest I've ever been away from Texas," Kent stated.

"Seriously? I thought you went every summer?" I asked him.

"Yeah, for like a week, not six or seven," he laughed.

"Why did you spend so much time here this time?" I asked. He sighed scratched his head, as if thinking of his answer carefully.

"I'm not entirely sure really, I guess I figured that this would be a good time to get closer to you, away from all the other guys," he said shyly, pulling me closer to him if possible. "I wanted to be able to spend time with you," he said to me as we walked.

"Aww, how sweet," I said. We got onto the plane and found our seats, this time they were actually next to each other though.

"So did you enjoy your time in California?" I asked him, getting comfortable in those stupid seats and putting my seat belt on. Kent turned to me and kissed me lightly on the cheek.

"Yeah, I did. I had fun at the beach, I realized that people in California aren't the most social people ever…no offense, and now I have an awesome girlfriend," he said and gave me another soft kiss. "Did you have a fun time?" he asked.

"Besides being sick the other day, yeah, it was a lot of fun," I told him. I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek before resting my head on his shoulder. He leaned his head on top of mine and we both settled down.

Soon enough the plane took off and we were on our way back to Texas.

"There they are!" I heard a voice yell. I looked around, trying to find the source of the voice before I was tackled. Kent saw the look on my face and wrapped his arms around me. Soon enough we were both tackled down to the ground.

"Dude, it's been so long!" Jonathan yelled loudly.

"It's been a couple weeks," I said. Soon enough everybody else was gathered around and I gave them all hugs, getting off of the ground of course.

"So, we've all wanted to know, who did you miss the most?" Austin asked, bouncing up and down excitedly. Everybody perked up a lot more and I chuckled.

"I already told you who I missed the most," I said, laughing.

"But we didn't hear what you said," Jonathan whined.

"Oh man, that sucks," I said. Kent, Austin and Kyle laughed.

"Just answer us, please?" Jonathan whined. I was soon surrounded by everybody except for Austin, Kent and Caleb, all asking who I missed the most.

"Why don’t you guys care who Kent missed the most?" I asked.

"Because you and Marc are his best friends, it's pretty obvious who he missed most," Kyle laughed.

"Just tell us already," Jonathan said, groaning.

"I don't wanna," I said. Jonathan made a cheap little lunge at me in attempt to get me to tell him. I jumped, startled.

"Caleb, save me," I whined, jumping behind him.

"I think that proves who she missed the most," Caleb said laughing.

"Works for me," I shrugged.

"Traitor!" Austin yelled.

"Don't worry Austin, I missed you too," I said to him.

"I missed you guys," Kent laughed. I agreed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dude, that's the end.
it's a terrible ending, but that's not the point

Anyways, just one more story to finish, and it's almost over too
then I'll start new stories!

ANyways, thanks for reading and sticking with this story
tell me what you thought as a whole or something, I don't know.