
Chapter Twently-One

Tears started to roll down Sammy’s face. “This can’t be happening.” She whispered. Maria looked up at Sammy from the couch she was sitting on. Smiling that cruel smile she always did. “Oh, I’m afraid it is happening my dear.” Maria said still flashing that cruel smile with a cruel set of eyes to match. This must have been the worst day of Sammy’s life.

Ralph had just died. Her dad was a good for nothing drunk. Her mom, well, her mom was the only thing good in her life right now. Why must this have happened to Sammy. Why her?

Through her clenched teeth Sammy said “I hate you Maria. Do you just wanna ruin my life? Well I’m done with you. You can fucking have him.” Sobbing uncontrollably now she turned to look at the other person on the couch. “I thought you loved me. I guess it was a whole lie straight from the start now wasn’t it?”

“Sammy, don’t be like this! I’m a needy guy and…..” John started
“Oh, we all know that’s not true. Well, you’ve made your choice. And it’s Maria. I’ll just get my stuff together and go.” So Sammy got all of her stuff together. Her crying lightened but tears still fell down her cheeks.

Sammy took a deep breath and looked in her bag. The bag that held something that reminded her of everyone she had ever come close to loving. In that bag she took out two things and threw them out. They were a picture of her and her dad and a note John wrote to her on the day of Ralph’s funeral. It read: Dearest Sammy:
I know you are sad about Ralph’s death and I totally understand that, but I’ll always love you and I’ll always be here when you need me.
Love, John.

As she was headed for the door to leave this apartment forever she looked in between the two couches John had. There was a table. And there was something on the table. Something that made Sammy think very, very hard.