

And that is the end of this chapter in Sammy’s life. Watching John fall to his death, thinking her life is ruined. What’s that you say? You thought I said her life was far from ruined? Well of course it is silly! I never said John was her true love. And I never said Ralph was either. She actually meets he true love quite soon. Let’s take a peek at the beginning of the next chapter of Sammy’s life shall we?

Standing outside watching the coffin being placed in the ground Sammy began to find closure with this, much quicker than she found closure with Ralph. But she still felt very guilty, why had she shot Maria? She could have just dealt with her like a civilized person. But no. She had to go all crazy. Wiping away a tear that was about to fall down her cheek she heard someone come up behind her. As she turned around she saw a boy. Who was in her grade. Sammy had only seen him once. That one fateful day where she had forgotten her binder and got detention. This boy was there too!

As she looked at him she felt strongly towards this boy. Stronger than she felt towards Ralph or John. “Hi. I’m Sammy. Sammy Smith.”
The boy smiled and said “I know I’m Ron. Ron Sneks.” and with that the two walked in the distance holding hands. Falling in love.