I've Been Kidnapped by The Mafia

This is Just Great

I was completely out, I went way past REM sleep and was passed out on my bed when all of a sudden I was woken up none to nicely by someone pulling the sheets off my bed and exposing me to the harsh cold of the outside world. It wasn't like I was im pajammas or anything since I was wearing the clothes that I had on last night....having been a pathetic loser and cried myself to sleep....damn.

Anyways, I was about to flip out on either Aiden or Asher since I was positive it was one of them that did this to me and I was not in the mood for company when my vision focused on the person standing over my bed, my silk sheets clutched in their hand, glaring down at me. Eva. Well this was turning into the worst night of my life. "What The Hell!?" I yelled, jumping out of bed so that i could stand face to face with my worst enemy. "Oh no, you have absolutly zero right to be mad at me right now! I know that its your fault somehow that I was dragged into this hell hole last night!!" Eva screamed back, throwing my sheets in my face. "Oh no chicka, you have it completely wrong, YOU are the one that made ME get stuck in here! I dont know what the hell your crazy family is up to but they kidnapped ME when they were supposed to kidnap YOU!" I flipped out on her, I was having the worst few days of my life! Eva scoffed in my general direction, something that I had said about her family got to her, and she started walking back towards the door, "Whatever loser, I dont know why I am spending my time with you when I could be getting to know the gorgous guy that brought be here"

The area of my heart got really hot when she said that I wanted to claw her eyes out, but before I could get to her she flounced her tiny bottom out the door and I settled for slamming it behind her, hoping that it had indeed hit her on the way out. I leaned on the door and sunk down, hating to picture Aiden and Eva together. I dont know why I care anyways, I mean yeah I like him, but its not like he's my boyfriend or anything.... even though we kissed and before he left to save Eva he wanted to talk about everything that stupid nagging voice in the back of my head told me. I shook my head and emmited a noise of frustration before getting up and setting off towards the bathroom to take a shower and try to wash away the past two days.

I went downstairs to find breakfast in a better mood then I was in an hour ago. I had thought about it and I shouldn't let Eva get to me anyways, she is so not worth it and Aiden wouldn't fall for her crap, he is way better then that. And if he does then thats not the type of person I want to be with anyways. As for Asher...I would just rather not think about it.

I guess a girl just cant catch a break in this damn house since just as my poptarts popped Asher walked into the kitchen and when he saw me his face got beet red but he didn't retreat...gotta give him credit for that. "Hey" I said, trying to sound casual and putting the poptarts on a napkin. "Morning" he grunted back and shuffled further into the kitchen, reaching for the box of Lucky Charms. I took out the milk and a bowl for him and sat on the counter, beginning to eat my frosted delicious-ness, looking way more non chalant then I actually felt. "How did you sleep?" I asked, making small talk and feeling extreamly akward about it. "Not well, I kept thinking about you and...us" he replied and I am pretty sure that I was now even redder then his was. "Asher...there is no us" I told him, my voice -thankfully-level. He turned and looked right at me, a bowl of marshmellow cereal goodness in his hand, "There will be" and then he left...just like that.

Alright good talk I thought and hopped off the counter, throwing away my napkin. I thought that today I would talk to the Boss...I was no longer even a little bit intimidated by him, he was just a blubbery pussycat. I was going to demand what was up with Eva and why the hell she was attacked and why she is here now...he would answer to me. I was going to stand my ground....Hopefully.