I've Been Kidnapped by The Mafia

Chapter 3: I still dont even know.

So this time, when I got around to being conscious, I was not in a bathtub, I was actually in a very plushy room, a bedroom of some sort, and I was again gagged and tied, but this time I was tied down to the bed. I was just wondering how many times a person can get blacked out in a one week period before they get extensive brain damage, when the door opened, and a guy that looked to be my age was standing in the doorway, and I am not going to lie to you, he was the hottest man I ever seen in my life! I mean he was like, gods gift to me. With the most perfect black hair that stopped right before his shoulders, and eyes the most beautiful gray eyes. He had headphones around his neck and had a tiny scar that was placed diagonally right under his left eye. I was practically drooling; I had always been in love with the bad guy rugged look.

I had to mentally shake myself, this guy was probably working with the people who abducted me, and so was not a good guy to get involved with…but it was hard to remember that when you looked at his tones abs that showed under his tight shirt. I would have said something to him, since he was just standing there, but my mouth was tapped shut, and I tried making a fuss like I did in the bathtub, but I was tied to the bed post, so I just had to lay there, looking at the hotness, which was not a bad deal now that I think of it.

Eventually he walked over and ripped the tape of my mouth wordlessly, I screamed, I mean, that hurt like hell. “What was that for?!” I asked him…well actually screamed at him. He shrugged and said, “Well it looked like you wanted to say something” And I just about died, on top of being uber hot, he also had a British accent! I mean seriously, how hot can a guy get? I was snapped out of my dream-like daze when I saw him half-smirking, half-smiling at me, probably because I was openly staring at him and his manly, hotness.

“Like what you see Love?” He mocked me, smug look still in place. To my horror I felt my cheeks start burning and I glared at him, which only made him even more proud of himself. “Would you tell me what you’re doing in here?” I demanded, I was envisioning killing him with my laser glare, and that made me feel a little better. He shrugged again, taking an ear bud out of his ear, and I could hear the sounds of Nirvana floating softly out, I silently cursed him for having good taste in music. “I was sent here to untie you” He explained. “Ok, then you should get to it don’t you think?” I asked him with all the contempt I could muster. “My name’s Aiden” he told me, ignoring what I had just said. “Good for you, now untie me and leave, if that’s all you’re here for”

“What If I don’t want too, what if I like watching you lying there, looking oh so sexy?" He asked, and I just about slapped him, would have too if my hands weren’t tied to the bed. “What are you doing Aiden, I told you to untie the girl, not try to seduce her.” The Walking Building from the bathtub walked into the room, I was shocked, that’s the most words that I think I have ever heard him say at one time. He turned to me and smiled, “We meet again” he commented, and I gave him a fake smile. “How come whenever you’re around, I’m tied up to something?” I asked, and he gave me a smile in return, “I’m also the one that always unties you remember”

I gave him a real smile this time, and was all, “Ok then, get to untying….please?” again I only added the please because he might not untie me if I continued to be a bitch to him. He walked over and untied me and after I was done massaging my legs and arms for the second time this week, I turned to glare at Aiden. “What?” He asked me in response to my intense glaring. “There is nothing to stop me from slapping you now you jerk!” I told him. And he smiled, like I was amusing, but backed up anyway.

“Love, calm down, I was just messing around, I was going to untie you before that buffoon, Asher came in.” Somehow I doubted that, but I didn’t call him on it. “And why do you keep calling me Love? My name is-“

“I call you Love because I am from England, and that’s what we call everyone” He cut in and I rolled my eyes. “Well can you get out, please? I kind of don’t want to be stared at by the likes of you right now” Even though I wouldn’t mind staring at him I thought. And then shook my head, I was not going to keep having these thoughts about him. He was now the enemy, and would be for as long as I have anything to say about it.

He smirked, as if he could read my mind, and said, “Actually, I can’t do that Love, I have orders to stay here and make sure that you don’t escape”
“What?! So Now I’m being watched like a child!” I exclaimed, I was furious, it's not my fault that they caught the wrong girl! And yet it’s like I am being punished for it. “Well if you think I enjoy being stuck ion here with a shrill like you then think again Love, I can think of a million things I would rather do then baby-sit you” I glared at him yet again, its getting to be a habit of mine, “Well I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that I was such a horrible person to be in the same room with, why don’t you do us both a favor and leave, actually, no you can stay, because I am leaving, I am going to go speak to the Boss or whatever he is around here and demand some things” I informed him, and I was almost out the door, I was about to grab the handle, when I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me back against a very hard, muscular chest…NO! I told myself I was not going to think about him, and I’m not!

“You are not going anywhere” Aiden was whispering in my ear, a little shiver went through my body; he was way to close to comfort! I pushed off of him and before he had a chance to stop me, and bolted. I heard him yelling at me to stop, which was pretty pointless now that I thought about it, I mean, if I was trying to escape then why would I run back to him just because he told me to? And yes I know how random that sounds, but that’s just how my mind functions.

I had finally reached the Boss’s office place, thing, and I could still hear Aiden telling my to get the hell back in my room, I wretched the door open and saw the Boss, sitting in his desk, a totally dumbfounded look in his face. I would have laughed if I was not so mad. I made it to his desk in two strides, which was not a big feat since the office was not very big, and looked him square in the face, “What the hell do think you are doing? Keeping my locked up in a room, with a freaking babysitter?! What’s that all about?!”

The Boss seemed to have recovered from his earlier confusion, because he was now turning a nice shade of red, it was either from embarrassment, or anger, and since he had nothing to be embarrassed about, I was leaning towards the latter. “Why are you out of your room?” he asked me, totally disregarding my question. “Aiden was supposed to keep you there”

“Yeah, I know that much, he –I motioned with my finger to the doorway that Aiden now occupied- told me, and I can’t believe you! What did I do to deserve such treatment?” The Boss was looked at me in a different way now, like he was reconsidering, which I really hoped was the truth. It was silent in the Office for a few beats, Aiden was still standing in the doorway, not even bothering to come in, I was about to say something when the Boss finally spoke, “Ok, I have decided a suitable thing for us to do”

“Well then, let’s hear it!” I told him, I knew I was still being rude, but I was still mad dammit! The Boss glared at me, but continued as though I hadn’t interrupted him, “Aiden will not be in your room watching over you anymore” He finally stated, and I am not going to say that I am extremely happy about that because even though I now have privacy, I am still stuck in this horrible situation, I wanted to kick and hug the Boss all at the same time, not something that I have ever experienced in the past, and something that I don't really want to experience in the future. “But,” the Boss cut into my thoughts, “You will be locked in your room, with the windows closed and everything” Again I experienced the desire to kill him. “I am not a child! Why can’t you just trust me not to run away?” I demanded, “Because you will run away” The Boss explained.
Well, that was true, but like hell I was going to tell him that. I didn’t know what else to say to him, so I just huffed and walked away, I heard the Boss say something to Aiden, and soon he was scrambling to catch up with me, I really didn’t want to talk to him, so I started walking faster, I turned a corner and I saw a door that was slightly ajar, Ha Ha Ha just let him try to find me now I thought, and I slipped into the door, I closed it behind me and pressed my ear to the door, I heard Aiden’s heavy footsteps and then I heard him swear before running off in the opposite direction, I smirked, proud of myself.

I turned around to survey the room that I had locked myself in. It was a bedroom, obviously a teenage boy’s bedroom, since it was littered with dirty clothes, and band posters all over the walls. I decided to poke around a little bit, and I know what you are thinking, but I was not snooping…I swear, I was practicing my detective skills, you know, just in case I ever had a urge to put my life in danger to find someone that is probably already dead anyway, not to disrespect Sherlock Holmes or anything.
I found a picture of Aiden and a middle aged woman that I suspected of being his mother stuffed in a drawer, making me realize that this was Aiden’s room, and that he would be royally pissed off if he found me in here. I took one last glance around the room, and walked out, only to come face to face with Aiden himself, absolutely livid.

“And just what do you think you were doing in my room?” He demanded, it looked as though smoke was going to come shooting out of his ears any second, and I think I could see him visibly turned a nice shade of red, just like the Boss, I briefly wondered if they were related, but was distracted by how hott he looked when he was mad. No! Again with the hotness, this needs to stop! I scolded myself. “Well? Are you going to explain or not?” He didn’t know it, but he had just giving me an out, “Not” I said, smiling sweetly, and walked away. I could feel his eyes burning holes in my back, but I ignored it, a smug smile playing on my lips. Now, if only I could find my room.