I've Been Kidnapped by The Mafia

Chapter 4: This guy man..this guy.

Gah! I have been in this god forsaken place for three weeks now, and I am sure that people must be worried about me by now right? But if they are I would have no way to tell because these cheapskate Mafia people wont buy TV’s, computers, radios or anything, I am lucky that I had my iPod in my pocket when I got kidnapped, or I would probably die in this place. Aiden is no help either, when he is not making rude comments about me and him; he is acting like I don’t even exist. Which, I know what you’re thinking, I should be happy that he is pretty much ignoring me, and I am…I think….

“Now what?” I ask as Aiden barges into my room once again, I was just reading this cheesy romance book, you know the kind that everyone reads at least once in their lives but they are too embarrassed to admit it? Yeah, well I found one on the bedside table, and since I don’t have anything better to do with my life, because being kidnapped and held against my will? Yeah, way more boring then all those shows and books let on, I mean these guys won’t let me do anything!

“Where were you this morning?” Aiden asked me, he looked mad, and I think I know why, I will spare you the details by saying that the night before Aiden had gone too far with one of his comments, so this morning, while he was out doing, I don’t know…Aiden things, I snuck into his room and played a prank on him that involved silly string, Oreos and lots of caramel. I put on my classic innocent face, “Why whatever do you mean?” I asked him in a sickly sweet voice. Aiden did not like that response, “You know damn well what I mean, what did you do to my room?!”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, why don’t you go ask Asher?” I suggested. I silently congratulated myself on my great acting abilities, I swear, if I didn’t want to be a Vet so bad, I would totally go into an acting career. Aiden glared at me and called me a not very nice name before stomping out of my room. I smirked as I heard my door get slammed closed behind him. At least he had enough courtesy to close the door on the way out I thought, amused at Aiden anger.

I was suddenly hungry, so I put my book away and changed into a spaghetti strap tank top, that was admittedly really low cut, but I loved it anyway, and a pair of cloth booty shorts. It wasn’t like anybody would be in the kitchen to see me anyway.
When I started complaining of not having any clothing, the Boss sent Asher to get my clothes one night when my parents were out. After I had changed I started down the hall towards the kitchen.

I have been spending a lot of my time there these past few weeks. I know that probably makes me sound all fat, but I’m not, the kitchen was in bad shape when I first got here, since there are not women living here, I cleaned it up, not because I was being nice, far from it, it was purely a selfish desire to not have to see trash and dirty dishes every time I stepped foot in here. I rummaged through the cabinets, pulling out a bag of popcorn and popping it in the microwave. Popcorn for me has always been like chocolate to other girls, I absolutely love it! If it was not so bad for you I would eat it all the time. While I was waiting for the popcorn to be done I pulled out my iPod from my conveniently placed pocket in my shorts and stuffed the ear buds in my ears.

I put it on shuffle and put it back in my pocket, I began dancing to one of my favorite songs that had just started playing. Before I knew it I was laughing because I was actually happy in that moment, I had forgotten all about my current issue and just let myself be enveloped by the music. I was still dancing with a big smile on my face, when I heard the microwave go off, telling me that the popcorn was done, so I busied myself getting a bowl to put it in, still dancing along and probably looking like a fool, but I look like a fool all the time, so I wasn’t worried.

“Good Song?” I heard Aiden’s voice right next to my ear and I jumped, causing Aiden to stumble back a little. “God Aiden! Announce yourself next time!” I told him, taking the ear buds out of my ears and putting them back in my pocket. I straightened myself, bowl in hand and walked over the microwave to extract the popcorn. “And just what do you think you’re wearing?” He demanded, I turned around with the popcorn bag and saw him pointedly staring at my cleavage. I indistinctively covered the cleavage with my arm and glared at him. “Who are you to tell me what to wear?” I demanded. “What do you think you’re doing walking around showing that much skin?!” He asked, he looked really upset about it.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, It’s just a tank top, and its not like anyone comes in here anyway, except for you obviously” I told him, trying to settle him down…yeah, it didn’t work. “Are you trying to torture me? Because if you are then you are doing a damn good job! Not to mention, if the guys see you, there is going to be riot! I demand you go upstairs and change into something not so slinky right now!”

I suddenly realized what his problem was, “But I thought you wanted to see more of me” I told him innocently. “On my terms, not yours” he told me, I did not want to listen to him complain so I grabbed my popcorn and huffed upstairs, “and next time I see you, you better be in something more suitable” I heard him yell after me as I walked up the stairs. So it seems that I either have to be bundled up like it was the middle of winter or walk around stalk naked I thought to myself.
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So I know its like, uber short...a filler, sorry.