I've Been Kidnapped by The Mafia

Chapter 6: After-Math (Yeah, I went there)

"Nothing! I swear! He was going to…rape me or something, I don’t even know, I just acted on natural instinct!" I said, defending myself. "Wait a minute, I don’t have to explain myself to you, you were the one that dragged me out of my warm comfy bed and made me come here to this hell hole to get attacked!" I said…more like yelled at him. "Whoa, calm down alright? What are you talking about first of all, the Boss attacked you?" Aiden asked. Now he was really started to get on my nerves. "YES! What do you think I have been trying to tell you?!"

Asher bent down and examined the Boss. "He's drunk" He grunted, usual Asher, never saying more then three words at a time. "Yes! Exactly! UGH!" I said, and just left, trying to get as much distance between the office and me as I could. I know that sounds really stupid and babyish, but I was really tired and pissed off, and that is not a good combo with me. Of course I heard Aiden coming after me, but really now? Really? He was the one that sent me to the beefy rapist in the first place; he was the last person that I wanted to talk to right now.
Luckily, I was on the track team in Trinity High…well actually, it was less a Track Team, and more a team for people that couldn't make it in the Chess club world, and yes, my school really is that geeky. I got to my room and slammed the door when Aiden finally reached me. I leaned up against the door, knowing that it wasn't going to do much since he was like, 5 times stronger then me, but still, at least I was trying, and that counted for something right?

As it turned out however, Aiden didn't try to break in, like he usually does. I heard him sigh and then I heard his footsteps getting fainter and fainter. Alright, so that was a little odd, usually Aiden would just push his way in, not caring about me, like always. Whatever, it's probably his time of the month or something. That would mean that he is secretly a girl that got a sex change, I mean when you get those things you can’t change your insides can you? But then again I don’t even know about all that stuff…and proud of it.

Even though I just narrowly avoided being rapped or whatever the Boss was going to do, that night I dreamed of Aiden, and it wasn't a normal dream either…I dreamed that I rapped him in my sleep. Yeah, that just happened. When I woke up I did the whole heel of hand to forehead thing, the only thing that was missing was a commentator going, "You could've had a V8" I thought that this was no longer happening I scolded myself and got up to do the morning thing…well as best I could in this Mafia house…that now that I think about it is probably illegal in some way.
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Alright, so I realize that this one is uber short, mostly, I just half assed it sorry! The next one will be better I swear! Its too late at night to be writing.