I've Been Kidnapped by The Mafia

Chapter 7: Sicky

UGH! I’m sick! And it’s all The Boss’s fault. You may not agree with me on this one, but I am telling you, it is! He got all of his….Boss germs all over me when he tried to…rape me. There, I said it, I have admitted it…I was a victim of an attempted rape…by a creepy diabetes ridded whale. Alright, I don’t know that he had diabetes, but I would assume, I mean if you have that much body fat…
So Anyways, I was waiting for Aiden to come and see how I was. I mean, I don’t mean to seem like a crybaby, but all this was sort of his fault, and he hasn’t talked to me or anything since that night. Whenever I saw him in the hall or whatever, he just looked down and walked away…he is just being a freak. Like everyone else in this dump.

Of course, when the door opened it wasn’t Aiden standing there…and the fact that I was sort of hoping it would be had nothing to do with the sinking feeling in my chest when I saw who was actually standing in the doorframe. It was none other the The Boss himself. Just like the first time I saw him, I wasn’t going to show him how much he frightened me. However I did go rigid and glare at him.

He was looking a little different today however. That might have had something to do with the fact that I had never…and I mean never, in all the time that I had lived here, seen him outside his office, and that he would come out right now…only a few days after he attacked me, while I was practically bed ridden, is not exactly a great thing.

“What do you want?” I asked him, trying not to shrink back when he approached. As he got closer though, I realized why he looked different, aside from the not hiding in the shadows with a desk crammed between me and him. He looked almost….nervous, which he has every reason to be. I want to kick his ass and run for shelter all at the same time right now. “Nothing” He grunted, but made no move to leave, which pissed me off, his very presence, is annoying. I can feel his, Mafia Freak vibes and they are messing up my recovery!

“Well then, if you don’t need anything then you wouldn’t mind leaving now would you?” I asked him as venomously as I could. Apparently it was not enough because he didn’t move for the door, just closer towards the bed. My Not Cool radar was going like crazy and I tried to move as far away from him on the bed without actually him detecting this as I could. It worked for a few inches, but then the Boss caught me inching away so I stayed where I was.

“I actually came in here for a reason” he finally told me. “Well no duh!” I replied, “Will you just spit it out already so I can rest?!” The Boss looked like he wanted to glare at me and then thought better of it. Instead he settled on that weird nervous look that he was giving me when he first came in here. “Well?” I demanded. He took a big breath, and then finally began talking, “Alright, well I just wanted to…..apologize for attacking you that night, I was really drunk, and I didn’t mean anything by it” he told me, looking down at the ground. I hate to say it….well no I don’t, but he actually looked kind of innocent and vulnerable. Like a little kid, which is really weird, because he is supposed to be the big bad intimidating Mafia Boss.

I groaned, “Alright, alright! I forgive you!” I finally said, hoping that he would just leave already. “Humph, alright, well then, I will be going now” he told me, regaining his composer and then promptly leaving, for which I was highly glad of, because that was just weird! Not something I wish to repeat any time soon!

The door opened again, but it wasn’t the Boss or Aiden, it was Asher. “Ugh! What do you want?” I asked, I just wanted to kick back and relax, not deal with all these Mafia people. “Aiden” he grunted. “Yeah, Aiden, he breathes and lives in this house” I told him, wondering what the hell Asher wants with me. “He wants to know how you’re feeling” I just stared at him, wondering what could be going though his head right now. “Well then tell him that if he wants to know how I’m feeling then he can come in here and ask me himself” I told Asher, he just grunted and left. Asher. A man of few words. Asher was only gone for a few minutes however, before he came back in and told me that Aiden doesn’t want to get my sick germs. I told him to tell Aiden that he is a baby and that I am not going to talk to him through Asher again. That was the last time I saw anybody that day.