I Don't Lurv You Like I Will, Tomrrow

I LOVE... Now I hate him.

“Okay, who’s the new boyfriend?” I asked. My mom was smiling and asking if there were any CD’s I wanted. Last time she did this, I was scared. Now I know what’s going on, and it’s not that bad. But if she breaks up with a guy, then my life is BAD.

“His name is Frank.” I think he was in one of those bands you liked five years ago, but broke up because the bassist got shot.” Think Crystal. Think. What band was that? I paused my ipod to think. Oh yeah.

“My Chemical Romance? Wait. Frank Iero and you and ewwww!!!” I said. My mom, who had me when she was a teenager, was dating the guy I wanted as a teenager. Now that’s just wrong. How am I supposed to react to this one? Should I be jealous? Happy? Mad? What? Lets stick with I hate him for now, just like every other that tries to replace my dad.

“Hahaha. Very funny dear. Now go get ready for dinner. I invited him over to meet you.” Great. I was dreaming for this day to come when I was twelve. Now I was dreading it. I hate every single guy my mom even thinks is hot or even remotely cute.

I changed out of my ‘The Used’ shirt and into my ‘The Misfits’ shirt. That’s as ready as I’m going to get. To kill time I decided to write in my journal.

Dear dumb notebook,
Guess what. You remember that dude I was in love with when I was 12? Frank Iero? The one from My Chemical Romance? Yeah. Him. The one I love for a year. I officially hate him for life. Why? He’s dating my mom.