Such a Beautiful Lie to Believe In



Awesomely amazing banner by: SyntheticBeauty

This was it…this was the big moment – the moment that five friends had been waiting for all their lives. The entire city of Huntington Beach, CA is practically in the palm of their hands…but there’s only one problem, one obstacle – and that is the governor. He vows to put down the ‘Avenged Sevenfold rebellion,’ as he calls it, with all his power. M. Shadows will not under any circumstances give up on his goal. So what does he do? He finds a way to get to the governor…find someone who can get in and out of the office with ease, someone like Joelle “Joie” (pronounced like ‘Joey’) Monroe, a 24 year old who is a brand new professional chef. Shadows plots long and hard on how he can use Joie to his advantage. Synyster Gates, Shadows’ right hand man, offers to deceive Joie into trusting the gang, and essentially trick her into doing something terrible. The only problem is – Synyster begins to really fall in love with Joie. Will he give up his life dream and his friends’ life dream just for her? Or will he allow Shadows to force her into doing his bidding?