Such a Beautiful Lie to Believe In


I’ve been known amongst my friends to be that one person who just constantly makes mistakes, but still learns from them and uses them to improve her life. Trust me when I say, I’ve had to get out of quite a few sticky situations.

As of right now, I’d say that nothing really compares to this one. I’m trapped in this house like a damn animal with one hot guy, one psycho guy, and their friends somewhere in between.

Hold on, it can’t be that hard to escape…I’ll just “stay late” one night at work and hide out at someone else’s place until it’s safe to go back home. That could work…but what about Brian? I’m not going to lie to myself anymore, I really do like him a lot. In fact, that’s the only good part of this entire predicament – the fact that I’d get to see him for sure everyday.

But at the same time, I feel as if my own freedom is being ripped away from me and I just can’t live like that, no matter how much I may love Brian.

“You know you’re pretty quiet for someone in your situation,” Zacky smirked, almost laughing as if this was the funniest thing he’s ever seen.

I glared over at him and said, “Maybe that’s because I’m a bit in shock right now and I’m just trying to think things through.”

Matt took a step closer to me and looked me straight in the eye. “Thinking isn’t exactly your best option in this situation.”

I scoffed, “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Well, there are always rules to something, right?” he said, mocking me and talking to me as if I were five years old. “Here are your rules: you can only leave by yourself to go to work and come home; if you want to go somewhere other than work, one of us must be with you – to ensure that you don’t try to run away; in the contract you signed that you would obey all rules set upon you, if you disobey consequences will follow promptly; end of story.”

I felt my jaw drop open. What the hell?! They can’t keep me here like some kind of prisoner who leaves only to work and then come home and do whatever they want to do! Oh hell no, this isn’t going to last more than 24 hours, I can tell them that. I mean really, what kind of normal person would do this to a young girl like me, who has a life to live and a future?

“You are such a damn assho–!” I started to shout at him but stopped when he put his finger up to my lips to silence me.

“Name calling isn’t very nice. We’re friends…and friends shouldn’t do that to each other.”

I couldn’t contain myself from laughing. “Are you even serious?! Oh, and let me guess, do friends lock each other up and take away their lives for no reason whatsoever?”

“I know you didn’t just talk to me with an attitude now, did you?” he said in a less pleasant tone, stepping forward while I gladly took one backward.

I glared defiantly up at him and said, “N-no. Now just leave me alone. I want to go to sleep.”

I began walking toward the staircase, even though I had no idea where I was really heading. They didn’t care, they just started laughing at me. Stupid pricks. Well, as it turns out…I wound up back in Brian’s room. I collapsed on the bed and closed my eyes tightly, desperately wishing that this was only a dream.

After only a few minutes, I could feel my body shutting down slowly, trying to reach the point of sleep so I could escape all of this, even if it only was for 6 hours or so. Just as I was about to fall asleep completely, I heard the door gently open and shut.

Someone crawled into the bed next to me and didn’t waste any time wrapping their arm around my waist and pulling me close to them. I entwined my fingers with his and held on tightly,feeling as if knowing that he was my only hope of surviving this horrible situation.

“Brian, why did this have to happen to me?” I whispered, unsure if he was even still awake himself.

There was a slight pause before he answered – almost as if he was unsure of what to say. “Joie…I know that this might all seem a bit strange to you, but it really isn’t as bad as it sounds. I uh don’t know why Matt did that exactly, but I’m kind of glad he did. At least now I get to see you everyday…”

I must admit, the fact that I had thought almost that exact same thing kind of scared me and made me happy all at once. At least it proved that he really does like me too, obviously. “You might be right, I guess. This might not be such a bad situation after all, but I just don’t appreciate the fact that I feel like I’m being caged in here without being able to come and go as I please.”

He sighed, “I’m sorry that this is hurting you so much, I can only imagine it’s hard on you. But please just trust me…everything will work out fine in the end.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because, Joie, I really like you. If all else fails, I’ll be the one to make sure that nothing or no one can hurt you.”

I couldn’t believe he just said that to me…that was one of nicest things I’ve ever been told. I quickly turned around so that I was facing him and felt a smile grace my lips. “Brian, thank you so much.”

I pushed myself closer to him and leaned up so that I could kiss him. I’m pretty sure he was without a doubt shocked to say the least. He began to kiss me back and I felt waves of happiness and excitement flow through my veins, erasing all memory of the horrible news I had received only one hour ago.

“I love you, Brian,” I whispered once we separated and lay back down. I had already begun to drift into sleep…but I could’ve sworn I heard him say, “I love you too.”

*Brian’s POV*

Although I felt somewhat bad for Joie and the situation she was trapped in, I didn’t expect myself to actually follow her to my own room and comfort her. I was practically cringing as the words left my mouth, wondering how the hell I got so weak. I couldn’t even tell if I was acting or really trying to help her out, which is incredibly scary. I can’t let myself fall for her like that…it will not only ruin the entire plan but just make life as I know it fall apart.

I didn’t even think that what I was saying was really going to do any good…but once that line about me protecting her no matter what left my mouth, I knew she’d take that one to heart. I’m not going to lie…I was super surprised when she turned around suddenly to kiss me. I mean, hell I’m one of the guys who is essentially locking her up here and now she’s kissing me? I found myself kissing her back for some reason…maybe it was just to convince her further and get it over with.

As she turned back around to go to sleep I heard her whisper that she loved me. And do you want to know what makes it even worse? For whatever reason I responded saying that I loved her too. I mean I don’t though…right?

Synyster Gates doesn’t fall in love ever and he’s not going to start now. Oh lovely, now I’m referring to myself in third person. I need some sleep…

*Normal POV*

I groaned as the alarm clock on my cell phone started to obnoxiously ring throughout the room. It wasn’t the fact that I had to get up and work that was bothering me…it was more or less the fact that I’d only be able to leave this house for a certain amount of time that bothered me.

I quickly took a shower and changed into my uniform for work, which somehow magically showed up at this house. I walked downstairs to the kitchen to make some coffee, and was surprised when I already smelled some being made. I walked into the kitchen to find the last person on this earth I would’ve wanted to see sipping on a mug of coffee.

“Why are you up so bright and early?” he asked with a smile. Then he glanced down at my uniform and smirked, “Oh that’s right you have work.”

“Yeah thanks for pointing out the obvious there genius,” I said grabbing some coffee.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me close to him so he could whisper in my ear. “Listen to me, Joie. I’m trusting you. I expect you to go to work, and come straight back here with no detours whatsoever. If I find out that you so much as go somewhere during your break time or tell someone about this little deal of ours you will be incredibly sorry.”

I nodded, just so he would back the hell away from me. But as I shut the door behind me and got into my car, I realized something. His words, which were supposed to install fear, only made me want to runaway even more just for the adventure in it all.
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alright what will Joie do now...runaway or obey Matt's rules? find out in the next should be good!

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