Your Guardian Angel

Your Guardian Angel

'God damnit Ronnie. You shouldn't have fucking stepped in the way' the unknown girl sobbed, staring down at the broken body of Ronnie Winters, lead singer of The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. 'You shouldn't have fucking put your life at risk. It's worth more then mine. You were changing, improving, other people's lives. Who is supposed to do that now?'
'Does anyone know who she is?' Duke, one of Ronnie's band mates asked the others standing around him, who were also band members.
'No idea. She claimed she knew Ronnie and she seemed really distressed, so I let her in while you guys got coffee. If she's a fan I have no idea how she knows already seen as we haven't told anyone yet' Elias said quietly.
'The police still don't know what happened and the driver had fallen asleep so he's no help at all' Jon added.
'I can tell you what happened' a small feminine voice said from behind them. The small group spun and came face to face with the unknown girl. Duke was the first to react to her simple beauty, mouth dropping open slightly.
'You can?' Elias asked after they all recovered.
'We were walking and this car came round the corner and then veered off the road towards us. He was safe and out of the way' she said, starting to cry 'he was g-g-going to b-be perfectly okay, h-he wasn’t going to get h-hit or n-nothing. But I was, so he sh-shoved me out of the w-w-way and s-stepped into the c-cars p-path. And now he's in there d-dying and it's all my f-fault. He s-shouldn't have even b-been t-th-there' she finished slowly, stuttering.
'It's ok. He obviously cared about you a lot or he wouldn't have stepped in to save you. If he was meeting you, well surely you can tell us why he was here' Duke asked quietly, not wanting to further upset her. She paused a second before answering, sniffling slightly.
'Well he contacted me about 2 weeks ago and asked if I had been adopted, and I told him I had and I was looking for my biological parents. Then he asked what I knew about them and I told him I only knew their last name, Winters' she explained, slowly and carefully.
'You're his sister!' Elias gasped, putting two and two together.
'Yea' she said, looking at her feet, before looking up at them again 'we decided to meet and he was telling me about his life and then…and then…I had only just met him and now he's d-dying all b-because of m-me' she said, starting to cry again, before she suddenly and unexpectedly flew into Duke's arms, who, after recovering from the shock, wrapped her in an awkward hug, hoping to comfort her slightly.
'It's okay, he's strong, he'll be fine' Jon comforted from beside them.
'It-it's just l-like the s-s-song' she sobbed, voice slightly muffled.
'What song?' Joey asked, speaking for the first time since receiving the news about his friend.
'The song you guys wrote…Your Guarding Angel' she whispered.
'Yea…' Duke agreed slowly.
'Just like the song, I was grinning so much, so happy to finally meet someone from my family and he had tears, of happiness he swore, just rolling freely down his face. We got something to eat and went down to the beach and he was being real stupid, running up to the water and dipping his toes in and then running back saying how cold it was. We were watching the stars and he suddenly jumped up and ran into the water and splashed around in the waves. Then he came out shivering and we were walking back to my house so he could get dried off and he said he wished on a falling star that I'd be okay' she said, sobbing again 'well I'm fine but my damn wish didn’t come true' she said, voice suddenly filled with an anger that didn’t suit her personality.
'What was it?' Elias asked in a comforting way, not trying to be pushy.
'That I'd be able to get to know him and finally have the big brother I'd always wished for' she said slowly.
'You will' Joey reassured her, silently praying that she would.
'So do we get to learn our best friend's younger sister's name?' Duke asked after a short silence, hoping to get her to smile.
'It's holly' she said, finally smiling, blushing also.
'Awww you've got Ronnie's cheeky smile' Duke said, smirking, making her blush even more then before.
'Thanks' she said, obviously happy with that similarity. A furious beeping suddenly filled their ears. They all whipped around to see a team of doctors and nurses rush into Ronnie's room. Duke stopped one of them as she attempted to rush past.
'What's happening?' he demanded.
'We don't know yet' she said, trying to dart past.
'Stat's nurse' a doctor called and she hurried past, Duke not trying to stop her anymore. Holly made to run after her and Duke reached out, trying to grab her arm but she slipped past him and ran into Ronnie's room, making for his bed, Duke closely following, intending to get her out so the doctors could do their job.
'I love you Ronnie' she whispered as he reached her. Amazingly Ronnie's eyes flew open and he said 'I love you too Holly' before his body fell limply back onto the bed.
'Out' one of the nurses roared as Duke wrapped his arms around her and steered her out of the room. He held her close as tears streamed down both their faces. By the time he had almost calmed her down and explained to the others what had happened a doctor came out, a grim look on his face, before he started to deliver his obviously rehearsed speech.
'I'm sorry. We did all we could but he has brain damage and there's nothing more we can do. We'll give you some time before we have to turn the machines off' he said, starting to walk off as Holly burst into tears again.
'He can't have brain damage! He just spoke to me!' she argued weakly.
'I know. We can't explain that. I'm sorry but it’s the truth' the doctor said, smiling sadly before walking in the opposite direction.
'I'm so sorry' Elias said, as they crowded supportively around her. Awhile later they signed the papers to turn the machines off. She sobbed and sobbed as the nurses walked out of the room.

She stood to the side of the open grave by herself and closed her eyes, saying a short prayer and when she opened them again she found herself surrounded by a group of men. Over the last few days the small group had become good friends with her and she hoped that it was the start of a relationship that would last longer then the one with her brother had.
'You do realize that he'll be up there looking after you now don’t you?' Duke said, smiling a sad smile.
'Yea' she said.
'And we have a favor to ask' Elias said slowly and cautiously. She looked up slowly, wondering what it could possibly be.
'We'll understand if you don't want to but we would be super happy if you would finish what Ronnie started' Duke said.
'What do you mean? What did he start?' she asked, confused.
'Well we want you to continue singing for the band, so we can continue giving money to different charity organizations' Elias explained.
'But I can't sing!' she said, horrified.
'So? We wouldn't care, but with a brother like Ronnie we know you can' Duke encouraged, smiling a more happy smile this time.
'Please?' Jon asked.
'It would make us so happy' Joey agreed.
'Oh I suppose I could give it a go' she agreed quietly as tears sprung into her eyes. They engulfed her in a group hug before they linked arms and walked off after each throwing assorted color roses into Ronnie's open grave.
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Umm hope you guys liked it...I wrote it ages ago to enter in a competition, and just found it again today and thought I'd stick it up...