And You're All I Want

Chapter eleven

“What the hell Danny!” I yelled as Danny walked into the room. He shoved Dougie out the room telling him that he knew the rules.
Danny shoved me over to the bed and sat down next to me.
“Danny what the hell are you playing at?” I said trying to stand up. He pulled me down.
“Dougie knew the rules that your and Katie’s parents told me. And he looked like he was gonna break them. I knew he would thats why I was waiting for you to come home.”
“I’m over 18 Danny I don’t need you or my parents telling me what to do.”
“They can send you back to America Annie. Its just better if you let him go.” I shook my head and stood up shaking Dannys arm off from pulling me back down I went over to the window.
“What If I don’t want to. What if I can’t.” He sighed angrily and stormed out the room. I let out a sigh and went into the bathroom to pick my pyjamas from where I left them this morning. I pulled of the dress and shoes and pulled on my shorts and t-shirt. I tap came on the window as I was about to turn of the lights, it was Dougie, I walked over and looked at him. He used his hands to write
I smiled and returned the gesture and then mouthed go away and turned off the lights.
Somehow I managed to get up in the morning and make breakfast for me and Katie before she woke up.
“Heya Annie bananaie. How did last night go?” She asked while yawning as she sat down at the table.
“Okay until Danny walked in on us yaknow.”
“You wern’t-“
“No but we were pretty close.”
“I know.” I let out a laugh and ate my bowl of frosties.

I was out in the small garden throwing a ball up and down when a pair of hands covered my eyes.
The voice made tingles spread through my spine. “Guess who?” I turned around to stare into a pair of gorgeous blue eyes. He kissed me quickly and stole the ball from where it lay on the ground and chucked it to me.
I knew he would beat me in football, Katie had joined in when I was failing but Danny just sat on the deck giving both me and Dougie evils which we both ignored. I was woken from my daydream by Katie shoving my head into a pillow.
She laughed. “I’m going out with Danny, he’s taking me to a concert, he was gonna take you too but he’s kinda giving you the cold shoulder.” She smiled grabbing her coat and walking out the front door with a shout of goodbyes.
Dougie couldn’t come round he was under house arrest from Tom and Harry on Danny’s orders. However I tried to bring them round apparently they didn’t want to get killed by my parents or Danny. So I left all on my ownie.
The popcorn was burnt but I ate it anyway because nothing can be watched without some popcorn. I know it was goonie but I loved the fantastic four no matter how much I got teased. I had my laptop on the sofa besides me talking to a few of my friends back in America while watching the film.
BlimyO’riely says: HEYA! Hows Llondon living
LAURENsays: Any cute boyssss???
AnnieBananie says: Amazing, and um yes.
Anniebananiesays: gotta go the film is starting and I get to involved so I’ll phone you tomorrow.
Annie Bananie has logged off.
I laughed and turned to face the screan. The doorbell rang. Oh perfect. I was just about to watch it. I pressed pause and went to get the door. A pizza boy?
He looked me up and down. Ok to be fair I was wearing a pair of flannel short shorts and a kinda see through top, but that was just plain pervy.
“I didn’t order a pizza.” I said trying to close the door.
“They ordered it for you from across the road.” He smiled handing me the box and walking away. Who was I to not take free pizza? I shut the door and got back to my alone time.
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Two in a day thats a record.