So Everybody Loves You

Not What I Expected

As soon as I opened the door, my jaw dropped, as I was very surprised to see what I saw standing before my very eyes.

"Um, hi. Uh, I know you don't know me or anything, but uh. We uh, well, ya see, my uh bus, er, no, me and my band's bus. Well, the thing is-" "Shut up Tre! Move!" "Hello. I'm sorry to bother you. My name's Billie Joe Armstrong, I'm from the band Green Day, you probably have know idea what I'm talking about. But anyway, our tour bus broke down about a mile back, and your house seems to be the first in site. Do you have a phone we can use. We have cells, but they're out of range distance right now." I stood there, gap mouthed. I couldn't believe who stood before my very eyes. "Um, should I, should I just leave?" "Um, no, no! You're fine! I'm sorry, it's just, I'm a really big fan of yours. I didn't expect, I'm just. Wow." I couldn't believe this. He grinned. "Well, I'm glad to hear it." "Yes, um, I do have a phone. Come in." He walked through, and then Mike, but I noticed Tre Cool just standing there.

After a minute or two, I spoke up. "Um, Tre?" "Yeah?" "Why are you still standing on my door step?" "Because, you offered Billie Joe to come in, not me." "Yeah, but you saw Mike follow him in." "Oh, that's just because he's rude." I had to laugh at this, if anybody in the group was rude, it was Tre. "Okay, okay, you're killing me. Would you like to come in Tre?" "Why thank you! I'd love to!" He walked through and I shook my head grinning and closing the door. It was then I realized I was still in my bed robe and night clothes with my hair in a messy pony tail. Niiice...Always how I dreamed of meeting my favorite band.

"What?! No. Rob, come on man! Are you serious? You've got to be kidding me! That means we'll be stuck in this particular town for what, two maybe three months?! Wow, just wow. I don't believe this. Yeah, money's not a problem. Hotel stay will be fine. I just, I can't believe that another 30 concerts are going right down the drain. This is just great! Okay...Yeah. Talk to you later. Bye." He hug up the phone. From what I could hear, whatever Billie Joe and 'Rob' were discussing, it wasn't good. For him anyway, but for me? They were going to be in town for two to three months! Come on, don't act like you wouldn't be, inwardly, excited too!

After explaining everything to Mike and Tre and getting looks of disbelief, Billie Joe walked over to me. He looked so stressed out. "Thank you letting me use your phone." I smiled at him and he then smiled back and looked a little bit more relaxed. "No problem. It's the least I can do to help out my favorite band." I smiled. "We're your favorite band?" He inquired. "Yes, my very favorite. He flashed me a big smile. "Mommy!" Maria came running through the house whining. "I'm hungry!" She pouted, holding her arms out towards me. I swept her up and into my arms kissing her cheek. "What would you like for breakfast baby?" "Eggos!" "You got it!" Billie smiled at the sight of the small child.

"She's adorable." "Thank you." "You married?" He asked glancing down at her left hand. "No, was." "Bad choice. young marriage to a rock star." "A cheater?" "No, to much road time." "Ah, I see." "Mom, can I have breakfast now?" Jacoby came into the kitchen as I was putting Maria in her high chair. "Sure sweetie, have a seat. Waffles okay?" "Yeah!" "Another one?" "Yup!" "Are there any more I should know about?" "Nope." I grinned. "Just two." "So what's you're name little one?" Billie asked, bending down in front of Maria's high chair. "Maria." "Really now? I've got a song called Maria." "You got blue hair too!" She said lightly pulling on the ends of his blue hair. I laughed and walked over to gently pull her hands free of his hair. "Yes, yes I do babe." "Why?" "Well, stupid people do stupid things." "But nobody's stupid, mommy said so." "Sure there are stupid people, look at Tre." As he said this, he nodded towards Tre who was downing syrup from the bottle. "Now see Maria, in about 3 minutes and 8 seconds, his face is gonna turn a greenish color, and he's gonna run to the nearest bath room and regret he ever did that. I laughed at how well Billie Joe had him timed out. Obviously, Tre Cool had pulled this little stunt before.

Mike was having a conversation of his own with Jacoby. "My mom listens to you guys all the time." "Ah I see." "Ya wanna know a secret?" He whispered over to Mike. "Sure." He whispered back. "She thinks Billie Joe is super hot!" Mike grinned from ear to ear. "I think he has a little "thing" for your messy haired momma too." They both laughed. Which caused attention from everyone else.

I walked over and eyed them suspiciously as I sat Jacoby's waffles down in front of him. "Here ya go baby." "Thanks mom." He and Mike both had huge grins plastered to their faces. Either they were plotting something, to they were sharing a secret that wasn't intended for me to know. Now, this is what I would've expected from Mr. Tre over there, who was, as Billie predicted, turning green.
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Now, what I was going for, was that I hope you were think it was Jacoby Shaddix at the door. Unfortunately, not all dreams come true, but Adeline's did! Green Day showed up! Get over it already, Jacoby's re-married!

Anyway...Green Day seems to really be clicking with this family.