Trying to Escape the Inevitable

Chapter 8

It was near 1 o’clock when I heard the door to my room open. I rolled over to see Frankie walking over to my bed. He always came to me these days. Gerard was never here anyway. He sat on the edge of my bed with a terrified look on his face.

“Hey are you ok Frankie?” I asked as he looked at me.

He shrugged and stared out the window absently. Something was wrong.

“What’s the matter big guy?”

He frowned. He absolutely hated it when I called him that. “Nothing. I’m just driving myself insane.”

I sat up, wishing Gerard were here. He was so much better at making Frankie feel better. “What’s wrong?”

Frankie sighed and looked at me with a pained look in his eyes, “I’ve been trying to decide if my dad really means it this time. I want to believe it but I don’t know if I can and it’s driving me crazy.”

I sat silently for a moment deciding what to say. I didn’t want to say the wrong thing. “Maybe he really means it Frankie. Maybe he really wants things to be back as normal as they can be.”

Frankie sat thoughtfully for a moment. “I don’t know if I believe that though Mikey. Do you have any idea how many times this has happened to me since she died?”

I hesitated not sure what to say, not wanting to make things worse.

He sighed and for a moment, that characteristic spark was back in his eyes. “I’m willing to spend time with him, but I’m not sure I should live with him again, at least not yet.”

I nodded. That seemed logical. “Well you can stay here as long as you want you know that.”

He nodded with a smirk on his face. “Yeah I know, but it’s no fun without Gerard around. He spends so much time with that dude Bert or whatever his name is.”

I nodded. “Yeah I know. I kind of miss him. He’s never home anymore. It’s kind of like I don’t know my own brother anymore.”

He smiled sadly and nodded understandingly. "We should stage an intervention to get your brother back."

I grinned. This was going to be fun.