Fake It For Me


Truth was, it shouldn't have mattered.

She was mealy out there to destroy me. To turn my brian to moosh. I have to say, she did a damn good job at it. That was The year it all changed. That was the year, my life fell apart.

Let me rewind.

My name is Riley Roberson. I live with my single mother. When I first started high school I thought, 'Yeah, this is gonna be easy-peasy-lemon-squeezey!

Boy, was I wrong.

So a year went by, (fresh MEAT year wasn't so bad and then sophomore year was pretty much the same) And everything seemed to be going well. I was getting good grades, I had a good group of friends. But of course, since it's life and all, something had to happen.

And that something did happen. A fun filled summer at camp came to a close and the first day of school rolled around. That's when Jamie Malatila walked back into my life.

Summer always has a way of changing people. Some people get taller, some get thinner, some get more attractive and some get an attitude adjustment.

As for Jamie, Summer not only changed the way she looked, It changed the way she was looked at.

And that's where my story starts. The first day of school, junior year, when Jamie Malatila came back from summer camp.

-Riley R.
-Aiden M.
-Zach C.
-Todd S.
-Jamie M.
-Derek L.

Please note: This story is copyrighted. All the characters belong to me, myself and I! (aren't I a selfish bitch?) I also do not own the people in the pictures. I found them on the internet like a creeper. Enjoy.