Status: Soon to be edited, this didn't have a very well though out plot after all...

But It's All Just Fiction


"Then how'd you get your phone back? If he didn't have it on him?"

"I made him go back to his house so we could get it," I smiled at Mariah and looked over to my phone on my nightstand by the bed, where it was charging. Since Matt had had it for over a week it eventually died on him, thank God, so he couldn't do as much damage as I had imagined.

"I really don't like how much time you've been spending with Matt," she said and made a semi disgusted face, cuddling with Dakoda, who was in her lap.

"I haven't barely seen him for a week," I retorted, laying down on my side of the bed.

"That's too much to be spending with a guy we hate."

"You hate him."

"So what? You don't now?" Mariah asked harshly and my Pomeranian jumped from her lap and off the bed from her small outburst. "You two were classic worst enemies and now you two are like best fucking friends. And that plus that rumor Regan brought up after that concert about you two fucking has everyone thinking you're dating. That's bullshit."

"We aren't dating, you of all people should know that-" I sighed, trying to reason with her.

"But you don't hate him anymore!"

"I never said I didn't hate Matt."

"Yes you did, you told me I hated him, not us."

"Why are you freaking out so bad?"

"Because he's stealing you from me!"

I didn't mean to laugh at her but I didn't stop myself in time. "He's not stealing me from you Mariah," I told her and rolled over to hug her waist, sense she was still sitting up. She looked down at me sadly.

"When's the last time we actually hung out besides school then? Since you've started talking with Matt?" She asked and sadly I actually had to think about it.

I let go of her, rolling onto my back again and said, "That last party you drug me to," I replied.

"You mean the one you left me at?" she asked and I pouted.

"I already explained to you that Matt stole me and wouldn't let me find you once he noticed cop cars outside."

"I know..."

"And you still don't remember much anything, huh?" I asked and she shook her head before looking to me.

"Just freaking out about cops and then waking up in my car with... that thing in my backseat," she said and we both laughed at her cruelty towards one of Matt's friends.

"Bet that won't happen tonight," I continued laughing.

"Hell no, I'ma wake up with you trying to cuddle with me in your sleep," she teased.

"I'm a lover not a fighter dear," I smiled and hurried out of bed to turn the lights off in my room before rushing back under the covers.

"Thank you love," I heard Mariah say in the dark and felt the bed shift as she turned over.

"Goodnight honey," I giggled with her and we were silent.

Nearly half an hour later, as sleep was barely settling over me, I half-awoke to the sound of my cellphone receiving a text message.

I opened my eyes with a yawn and looked over to where it lay on my nightstand, just watching it.

"Who text?" I heard Mariah ask on the other side of me.

"Dunno," I said and decided to check it for her. I slid my phone open and read the small white screen that had popped up, which said: One new text from Matt.

After I saw read the screen my phone was taken from me by Mariah. "What's it say?" I yawned again and tried to see what he had sent.

"He said 'I can't sleep'," Mariah told me, the light from my phone illuminating us both, "Happy face." That last bit sounded venomous and I didn't understand what her deal was.

"What are you replying then?" I asked but received no reply. Once she was finished she slid my phone back and kept it, the light disappearing and leaving us in darkness again. A few moments later my phone indicated it had received a new text and Mariah checked it for me. "What are you texting him?" I asked again.

"Nothing," she said bitterly and repeated what she had before once she was finished replying to him.

"Mariah," I said sadly and saw her dark silhouette turn towards me, "What 'chu sayin'?" I asked with a smile, hoping to hear her laugh but she remained silent until another text was received.

She replied to it before saying,"He thinks that you're with another guy."


"I knew there was something between you two!" she said and sat up as another text popped up on my phone.

"No there isn't," I insisted, sitting up as well.

"Then why does he automatically assume I'm a guy then?" Mariah asked, finally giving me back my phone.

I read the texts starting from the first one he sent.

"i cant sleep :)"

"fuck off dickface im busy"

"this isn't meg is it?"

"no, shes asleep"

"was she good?"

The conversation ended there and I looked back to Mariah. "He likes you."

"There's no proof of that," I said, sliding my phone closed and laying back down but before I could put my phone back on my nightstand, Mariah stole it again.

"What are you gonna reply to that?" I asked her skeptically as she stared at the screen, her thumbs still.

"...I dunno," she said and a few seconds later I saw her type something short and send it.
I stared at her as the light from my phone disappeared again.

The two of us remained silent as Matt sent another text and as Mariah replied to him. Shortly after my phone received yet another text, and Mariah's reaction to it wasn't pleasant, or quiet for that matter.

"What the fuck is that, Meghan!" she yelled, standing from my bed as she threw my phone down to the mattress.

"What?" I asked, feeling flustered and wishing Mariah had left well enough alone. I picked up my phone and read the continuation of their conversation.



"fuck off, at least i got her half naked in bed b4 you tuck."

"no you didnt ;)"

"Oh come on, do you really think I fucked him?" I asked, looking over to Mariah standing by the light switch after she had flipped it on.

"What the hell else would that be?" Mariah asked, looking very hurt.

"I told you after that party I got cut up running from the cops and my clothed got all bloody so Matt lent me some of his when I stayed the night!" I tried explaining myself.

"He lent you clothes and you were still half naked?"

"I was wearing his shirt and some undies okay?"

"Sounds pretty 'couples' like to me."

"Mariah, come on," I pleaded with her.

"What the fuck else happened then?" Mariah asked me, now pacing around my bedroom.

"Fine. He took me back to his house so I could clean up, gave me a shirt to wear, ordered us pizza, forced me to watch God awful horror movies until it was light out and then we fell asleep."

"And that's everything?" She asked.

"Yes," I replied but she noticed my hesitation.

"Meghan," she said warningly.

"Jesus Christ Mariah!" I said, standing from my bed too as I had enough, "You're acting like you're dating me! I didn't do fucking shit with Matt!" I tried telling her.

She remained silent, the anger draining slowly from her features. We stared at each other, both of us calming before she said, "What did you almost do then?"

I smiled at the way she had asked the question and we both laughed.

"Oh God," I said sitting back on my bed and looking at my phone. "That kid takes the saying 'fuck you' too literally.

"What?!" Mariah gasped and moved so she was sitting next to me on the bed.

I laughed lightly and continued, "He then magically knew I was a virgin and told me something like he wasn't willing to waste his time with one and joked that he wouldn't rape a virgin because they'd be afraid of sex forever."

"...He actually has a point there," Maria said and I gave her a questioning look, "If you rape a virgin they'd be afraid of sex for the rest of their lives and they'd be missing out on amazingness," She smiled.

"Eww," I replied and looked back to my phone, now safely in my lap.

"Are you gonna text him back?" Mariah asked.

"Am I allowed to sweetheart?" I asked mockingly and she laughed, standing up.

"Sure, just don't text him all night," she told me and turned the lights back off and got back in bed with me.

"Okay," I said, replying to Matt with, "sorry bout that, whats up?"

"that sounds like a meg :)"
he replied and it made me smile.

"yea i think Mariah hates chu"

"that was Mariah?"



"fuck you matt xp"

"right now? lol im always up for a 3sum *wink*wink*"

"matt shut up."

"im not talking dear, and you asked me"

"im going to bed now -_-"

"funsucker. see you as school monday?"

"mayb. nite matt."

"goodnight meghan :)"
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a filler with some hints and foreshadowing ;) Most of it is obvious but some isn't ;p

And sorry about the text talk, like before. Teenagers these days are horrible xD Plus I added a crap ton of the OCs to the character's link thingy way back up there ^ at the top of the page. you should check them out ;] They aren't perfected yet but they will be soon.