And Never Again

Bad News

“WHAT?” Krista yelled at the principle. She refused to believe what he had just said.

“I said that your father has died, along with your mother in a car accident on their ways to work.” The principle replied.

“NO DUH!” It’s kind of fucking obvious I heard you Einstein!

“Will you please quit yelling? This is Mr. Johnson. He will me taking you to a foster home, after he takes you home to pack up a few of your things.”

Hell will let loose if I stop yelling. AHHHHHH-- Wait. DID HE JUST SAY FOSTER HOME?

Mr. Fisher turned around. Krista almost swear she heard him mumble the words ‘She finally gone!’ but then again, she could have just been imagining it. This isn’t happening! Lalalalalalala!

“Come on Krista, let’s go.” Said Mr. Johnson.


“So… Any idea who my foster family is?”

“Well, we tried to look for someone that would be staying at home, and had a spouse, but no suck luck.”

“Who did you find then?”

“Ummm… I believe his name is Gerard Way. Or something like that.”

“I hate al- Wait. Did you just say Gerard Way? AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!”

Krista tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear and looked out her window. The lead singer of one of my favorite bands is my new foster parent… Shit! Now by moral I must hate Gerard fucking Way! Lily was right. Everything does suck.