And Never Again


“Now Krista, before we get to your house to get your stuff, I just want to tell you that if you ever need to talk to someone, here’s my number.” Mr. Johnson said handing Krista a card.

“Don’t worry. I won’t call you. Ever. Don’t get you hope up, no.”

“Well I would also like to suggest you get a counselor. Just a suggestion.”

“Whatever.” Krista replied as he pulled up to the sidewalk in front of her house.

She got out quickly. She didn’t care if he had more to say. She ran to the door to see that it was locked.

“DUDE! DOOR’S LOCKED!” She yelled.

Like any other day, she left her key in her room. Only this time, her mom wasn’t home to unlock the door. He began to cry at the thought of it.

Mr. Johnson came up to the door with a key in hand. The police must have gotten it from her parents’ bodies when they found them. I have got to learn how to stop crying.

“Now, only take clothes, your pillow, and maybe a few other things. Remember, you’re going to have to tour with them a lot.”

“And the rest of my stuff will be?”

“In a safety deposit box that your parents left you.”

He unlocked the door. These mere seconds felt like hours. She wanted to be able to run inside and cry. But she knew she couldn’t do that. She knew that she had to stay brave. She was alone now. No family, nobody she could trust, not even a friend since Lily killed herself a month ago.


Ring ring ring- “What? It’s like two a.m. What’s so important that you had to call me!”

It was the voice of her best, and only, friend’s mom, Lily. She was obviously crying, no, sobbing her fucking brains out. She mumbled some barely auditable words in-between sobs.

But only Krista could understand her. Lily was always mumbling.


Three days later Krista was standing next to a casket in her black dress Lily got her for her birthday, looking down at her only friend. She looked so cold. “Why did you do it Lily? Why? You could have come to me about it. Hell, I would at least pretend to listen. You should have found another way to vent than pills. I’m sorry you didn’t trust me enough to talk to me about it.” Krista found herself saying out loud.

Next thing she knew, the same casket was being lowered six feet under. Never more would Krista be able to hear Lily’s laugh, or voice. Nevermore would Krista see Lily smile, or tease a prep, or just smile. How sad it is that we miss the smallest things in a person.