And Never Again

Colecting Memories

Krista stood in her room and grabbed her messenger bag to put her crap in, and a normal backpack to pit her cloths in. Se started to slam her cloths in to the backpack, when she found her mom’s old locket in her drawer. Krista took it from her mom when she was five, and never returned it. Now it was too late.

Krista picked it up gently, as if it were a fragile little shell. Then she carefully put it around her neck. This is something that I’m never taking off. Then she walked across her room to get her ipod nano. She had to save her money for a year to be able to get it. But it was so worth it. She gammed that into her pocket.

Then she got all her CD’s. It didn’t matter if she had an ipod or not, she kept her CD’s all the time. They were like a safety blanket to her. Music was all she had now. She used to be all friends, then all family, now she’s all music.

What else? Then she ran to her mom’s room and got her laptop from under her bed. This could come in handy. She jammed it into the messenger bag and went to her jewelry counter. Wristbands, necklaces, bracelets, arm warmers, you name it, she crammed it in to that backpack.

Then she grabbed a pillow. She didn’t care what pillow it was, as long as it was a pillow. On her way out of her room, she saw a picture of her mom and dad in Colorado hanging on the wall. They went there before summer ended. It was the last trip they went on before now. She looked the picture over and took it off the wall. Then she found room in her backpack to jam the picture in it.

Krista walked down the hall looking everything over. This might be the last time I see any of this again. Damn, and I just began to think things could be better in life too.

She entered the living room to see Mr. Johnson sitting on the couch. “Ready to go meet your foster parent?” he asked.

“Do I have a choice?”


“Then why did you ask?”

They shuffled out and into the car. Krista took out her ipod and started to listen to HIM. Somehow HIM always calmed her down and she gently drifted off to sleep.