And Never Again


“I’ll go introduce you to the guys.” Gerard added as they walked down the hall.

Krista heard yelling as they approached a room at the end of the hall. “Do I want to know?” She wanted to say, but voted against it. She decided to talk to Gerard as little as possible. But why? Gerard Way was her idol. She had wanted to meet him since she found out about his past, and started to look up to him. Now she got to meet him, and she despised him. The answer was simple. He was the replacement to her parents.

Her parents that supported her when she had nothing else in life. The parents who got her help when she tried to kill herself. The parents who got her help through her drug addictions. Sure she was only 14, but she had experienced things nobody should experience. It was her parents who she could turn to for anything.

Now she had absolutely nothing. No friends. No family. Just herself, and her will to live. But it could be gone if anything else happened. She knew that she could easily have a relapse and turn back to the knife, or start drugs again. That was the last thing Krista wanted to do now. What she wanted to do more than anything was to hug her patents one last time, and tell them she loved them. But since that was impossible, she was content with living.

“FRANK! BOB! STOP FIGHTING GOD DAMNIT!” Gerard yelled as he opened the door.

“Who’s the mini chick?” Ray asked as they entered the room.

“Shut up Ray. This is Krista. Krista, Ray, Mikey, Frank, Bob. Wait. Do I need to say any of this?” Gerard asked. He was obviously confuzzled.

“No.” Replied Krista. The guy nodded their heads in agreement.

“Good. Now Krista, I’ll take your stuff out to the tour bus, so why don’t you go sit with Mikey?” Gerard suggested. Krista did. She wanted to get away from people reminding her about her parents. Mr. Johnson took her to her home, Gerard was replacing them, but Mikey? He had nothing to do with them.

“Hey.” Krista said as she sat down. “What are you reading?”

“Just this book that I love.”

“And that would be?”

“Alice in Wonder Land.”

“That’s my second favorite book!”

“What’s your first?”

“Oh My Goth. It sounds really lame but it’s actually really good.”

“Oh My Goth? Do you have it with you? It sounds good.”

“I’ll lend it to you later.”

“So, are you a My Chemical Romance fan?”

“Hell, are you kidding me? I have loved MCR since my best friend, Lily, introduced me to you guys. God. Lily would die to be here right now. Too bad she’s already dead.”

“What happened?”

“She killed herself. Her mom said she’d give me the letter she wrote to me before she killed herself when the time was right. Lame huh?”

“I don’t know. I think that not giving you the letter was probably best. It might have put a lot of stress on you, ya know?”

“Maybe, but I just wish I could know why she did it.”

Krista could feel tears burning the rims of her eyes. She quickly brushed them away.

“I’m surprised they didn’t just kill me because of my parents and all.” Krista said, trying to change the subject, quickly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, after my little trips to the physic ward three months ago… well, uh, never mind? Just don’t ask.”

“I think I’ll stop asking questions now.”

“Good idea.”