And Never Again


“FRANK! GET YOUR ASS ON THIS BUS! WE ARE LEAVING IN FIVE MINUTES!” Bob yelled. And honest to God, when Bob said five minutes, you better get your ass on this bus in two. It didn’t take Krista long to learn that. And she didn’t even talk to Bob yet! Bob could be very… how should I say this? Strict. That’s how I’ll say it nicely anyway…

Krista was waiting on the bus with Mikey for half an hour. Mikey didn’t want to mess with Bob, and Krista just followed Mikey around. He kind of reminded her of Lily. If you take away the fact that he was a he and older and not suicidal. If that was all ignored, then basically he was a 14 year-old girl name Lily Torbet. Although, she didn’t tell him that, she was afraid he might take it as an insult.

“HURRY THE FUCK UP FRANK!” Bob yelled, even though Frank had his leg in the bus.

“I’m half way on the fucking Bob. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?” You could easily tell that this happened frequently. They looked as if it had been rehearsed almost.

“Just get on the bus.” Bob stated. He was obviously annoyed. VERY annoyed.

“Yes mother.” Frank replied in a very childish tone. Then he skipped onto the bus.

“Do they always do that?” Krista asked in a hushed tone.

“Always. You had better get used to it.” Mikey replied in an equally hushed tone. He knew that she didn’t want anyone, especially Gerard, to know that she was talking to anyone. But Bob, Ray, and Frank know already. And yet, she doesn’t care. As long as Gerard didn’t know, Krista was content.

Gerard sat next to Krista suddenly. He always seemed to come out of nowhere, always interrupting her thoughts. And that was probably for the best. Whenever she got caught in a deep thought, it always led to tears. And weakness was the last thing she wanted to show right now.

Wow. I’m sitting in between two of my idols. The Ways. Gerard and Mikey. Wow. If only I would allow myself to talk to both of them. That would rock. Oh well. Maybe when I’m dead and cold. Ha. Hopefully that will that will be sooner than later. WAIT! KRISTA DON’T THINK LIKE THAT!!! BAD, BAD KRISTA!