Perfect strangers

Dean - Phase 2.

Dean's POV.


It was an un-expected twist, the whole Chloe's cousin being the new English teacher. Only 4 of us knew about Matt and Shaun, Chloe, Aiden, Myself and the farm boy, Cane. I wasn't going to expose the events of last night, yet. It worked out good as a back up plan... in case this 'game' fell through. I knew that the others would keep their mouths shut, Aiden had been acting depressed so she wasn't talking, fucked if I know whats wrong with the Drama Queen.

"Hey babe." I say sitting down under the tree with the rest of the group. The big willow was our school hang out. The usuals were all here, Cane, Chloe, Aiden, Rachel and Shaun. All seemed to be in deep thought, all but farm boy who seemed to be watching some birds. "I said hey."

Aiden looked up and forced a smile. What the fuck was her problem. She was the hottest girl in school other then Nikki... oh no had that book worm Chloe told her about Nikki and my kiss. Well it was more then a kiss. Lucas, my wing man, soon turned up. His bleached blond hair dangling from his beanie, blocking his eyes from the sun. He was a night light, not much for school either.

"Dude I got some more of that stuff."

"Alright, we better go out tonight, are you coming?" I ask Aiden. "Babe... are you coming."

"No shes coming to my place tonight." Big mouth Chloe butted in.

"I was asking Aiden, babe?" Aiden didn't move, she was frozen almost. "Alright, fine. Boys night out." I lean in to kiss Aiden as I decide to wag the rest of the day with Lucas, but she shudders and pulls away. What the hell? I just exhale and walk off.

* * *

Nikki was looking fine, waiting at her car. Lucas knew the drill, he was the driver while Nikki and I had a bit of fun. This time however was different. Lucas wasn't going to be driving he was going to get Aiden to the locker room in 15 minutes.

"Lets do this some where bigger. Locker rooms are empty." I whisper into Nikki's ear as we run through the back of the school.

"Don't forget to lock the door, Dean." She says turning on the shower and undoing her skirt. Her clothes fall of her faster then leaves on a burning bush. She has a fucking hot body. I turn and make a click noise and run over to the shower with her.

The door soon opened, but by now the room was full of steam. Nikki's body was dripping in water, her skin was smooth she had a naked Angelina Jolie look to her.

"Dean..." Aiden calls. "Dean what are you doing?"