Perfect strangers

Chloe - Under Control

Chloe's POV.

Tuesday... (afternoon - Stormy.)

So many things were happening all at once. Matt come down to teach at my school, was something I didn't expect, and now that Shaun and him have hooked up I would now have to keep their whole relationship a secret from every one else. Then their was Aiden and Dean, that idiot. He had done this before to her and she took him back, we all forgave him because thats what Aiden wanted but this time with every thing thats happened I don't know if she could forgive him. I had to talk to him... I had a message to pass on and I needed to get everything under control.

* * *
"Where was Aiden today Chloe?" Dean said pulling me out of my Lab, Tech after school class. I love science.

"What the hell was that? Why would you pull that again."

"Chloe, I..." he struggled for words. "I know I did this before, in fact I planned the whole thing but this time... this time something didn't feel right. I think I'm in love with her."

Dean seemed so sure of himself, but now he seemed confused. He had never cared about anyone other then himself, but as I look at him he seems to be telling me the truth. I still didn't like him much but for a moment I wanted to.

Can't you talk to her for me. Please, I need to fix this." He almost begs. I feel so bad.

"Dean, its to late." I say taking his hand. "She's gone to London, she left this morning."

"Why did she go to London? I don't understand, I did this before and she never ran away."

"It wasn't just you, if you opened your eyes you would have seen how upset she had been, her dad tried to assault her... sexually."

"He did what!" Deans face lit up a red colour. "That pig, I'll fucking kill him."

* * *

Dean had gone to confront Aidens dad, I had to stop him. Dean, being the sporty type, was already down the street by the time I had gotten to the school gate. Thank god Matt, was just leaving...

"Dude, I need to bum a ride."

"Alright, I'll take you home."

"No, Matt I need to find Dean, hes going to Aidens house. I'll explain latter, just go."

Thank god cars are faster then Dean. We stopped him right before he got to Aidens street, and then we took him home. He was so angry, it almost looked like steam was coming from his head. He needed to calm down. As soon as we left I explained everything to Matt. He of course wanted to call the cops on Aidens dad but knew he had no case with out Aiden who was probably in London by now, meeting up with her sister.