Perfect strangers

Dean - Fate and Love

Dean's POV.

I felt like a prisoner in lock down. I was followed around before and after school. Every one seemed to be watching me to make sure I wouldn't go to Aidens and sort her Fucking Dad out, but it looks like fate is smiling on me today. With Shaun and Matt away for the weekend, Chloe at some school camp and Lucas way to wasted to even notices. Tonight would be my night to fix this, to sort the Fucker out and then get Aiden back. I was still questioning my motives for all of this as I practly run to Aidens house. Was I really 'in' love with her, properly I mean? I must be, Aidens dad was the size of a hippo, if he sat on me he'd flatten me like a pancake.

I didn't even bother with the door. The foot path was covered in bricks, one less wouldn't be missed. I lifted the brick still running toward the house and pelted it through the front window. Being who I was the years of sports let me hurdle through the now open window with out stopping.

"What the Fuck?" He dad said struggling to stand from the couch in front of the TV, food hanging from his mouth... chicken I think. "You little fuck, what are you going. Look what you did to my window." He snorted out, turning pink in the face. Now instead of a hippo he looked like an over sized pig.

"Your Fuck!" I screamed, my own skin getting hot now. Looking at him, 'it' was disgusting.

"What you say boy? I'm going to have to teach you how to respect you elders, maybe we will start with the window, your fucking paying for it one way or the other." He started toward me pulling up his gut and pulling down his fly on the stretched jeans which were to tight for him. What was he going to do, was he going to try to do to me what he had done to my Aiden, the fucking weirdo.

"Get the fuck back," I look around and find near the fire place and old iron poker. "I'm warning you, fuck it, Come on... you deserve this."

He Grunts and starts charging at me like a mad bull. I pull back the poker and smack him across the face with it. Not even a second past before he was out cold on the floor. I think I killed him...
As he lay motionless on the floor, I feel a sense of panic over come me. I wouldn't kill him and be with Aiden. I would be in jail. I only ment to beat him, to show him he wasn't the only one who could dish it out.

I cough, taking a step toward him, his body doesn't move. I drop the poker and squat down to take his pulse. He had to be alive I didn't hit him that hard. The thick layers of fat made it hard to find one but he still had a pulse. The next thing I know I'm on my back and hes up on top of me beating me face with the iron poker. He had grabbed my leg and pulled me down. He was fighting dirty. I threw a fist up and hit him in the chest. He stumbled back, far enough for me to raise a foot and kick him were it hurt. As he gasped and moaned in pain I recovered my footing, but he was ready to soon and tackled me into an old china cupboard. The plates and glass shattered and stuck into me, strangely the most pain came from in front. I looked down to see he had stuck me with the Poker, blood came gushing out. I think I was dieing. The Cupboard, falls a second later and crushes both of us. I wanted to scream for help, I could here the sound of neighbors running out to see what had happened, but I was bleeding alot. I feel dizzy... real dizzy. My eyes close, I cant open them.