Perfect strangers

Rhys - A Walk.

Rhys's POV.

I wake, wiping my forehead dry, bullets of sweat running down my face make my hands all wet, but I hadn't been having a Nightmare. In fact I was having quite the opposite, I was having a very inappropriate... very dirty dream, about Shaun that guy I met a few days ago. He was taken, by a guy named Matt. He was hot but older then both of us, so I couldn't see why they were together.

Shaun was the cutes guy, and I could tell he liked me a bit, lets just say while we were in the kitchen his Banana was quite long and was getting harder. His choice of clothing on that morning hadn't left much to the imagination, but I could have imagined him any better... so there was no disappointment. My dream however I knew did not do him justice.

"Rhys... are you up yet?" a new voice called from behind my door, probably a new maid or something. I hated being rich but at the same time loved it. The whole job thing was a stand to prove I could and my band, "Panic and Chaos", was my own personal oxygen, like a drug, now that I had it I would die without it.

"Just a moment, be down in 15." I called out draping myself in a blanket then realizing that my door was locked, let it drop and walked into my bathroom butt naked. Time for a cold shower.

* * *

I skipped out on food down stairs, just ducked out my window and down the tree which grew to a nice hight and reached over toward my room. It was the perfect escape. I left the snob district and made my was down the rest of town, the shops and cafes seemed to be booming with business and thanks to that I found what I was looking for, with out trying or realizing I was looking, it was Shaun.

There he was sitting out the front of a cafe sipping what I guessed was a hot chocolate or a coffee from a foam cup. He did it so gracefully, it was a little breath taking. He was alone this was my chance to talk to him.

"Hey, Shaun right." I joked as I approached him.

At first he didn't seem to notice me but then when he looked up at me he looked, well at first a little freaked out then surprised, with a hint of guilty satisfaction. I could see he liked me. Not to be completely conceded but it was a little obvious even if he was trying to hide it from me... and himself.

"Hi... Rhys, what brings you down my end of town?"

"Just walking around, getting a look at the town my band will make it big." I laughed, but I hadn't ment to say it.

"Your in a band?" He almost got up, but held him self down. "Thats cool."

"Yeah I guess it is, hey are you busy... do you want to take a walk?"

"No, but... I don't know..." he hesitated.

"Its just a walk," I laughed at him. "I wont hurt you or anything."

"Ummm, well... okay. I'm headed home. I guess if you want to take a walk and maybe talk a bit we can go the long way." He got of and made a quick stride down the block, I followed him with easy, I was at least half a foot taller then him and had longer legs to keep up.