Perfect strangers

Shaun - The Band.

Shaun's POV.

Life was perfect now, Matt and I had now moved our relationship forward, and any lingering doubts or little 'crushes' were a distant memory. I had thrown myself at him sure, but he seemed to like it as much as I did once we got started. I knew this for a fact, because as soon as we were done he wanted to do it again. I gave in with little fight, sex never felt so good. He had decided after that he still had something to tell me, but that it could wait. He wanted to take the 'gang' out for a night of fun, he promised he would explain everything after.

* * *

It had been a while, and though some of the group was missing and others had joined it felt like it used to. Chloe had said she would meet us her but I doubted it, she hadn't left Dean in hospital alone for more then an hour or so, but there she was looking as beautiful as ever. I really had missed our quality time together. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits, Matt had offered to take us out, apparently he had big news. We had to push two tables together to fit the group, which seemed to be growing... even my sister had tagged along. I had to look around the table a few times to see the familiar faces that had joined the party, there was Cane, Chloe, Matt, Rachel, Lucas who had appeared out of no where, and in the distance was Rhys and two others. I didn't know them, but their faces looked familiar. He distracted me from everything in the room for a moment, I couldn't work out what he was doing. He was on stage... Oh his band must be playing. I guess I'll get the chance to hear them after all.

His band consisted 2 other members. A short, shirtless and boney looking guy sitting at the drums, wearing tight black skinny jeans. His hair slicked across one side of his head and dark onix black. His boney fingers twirl the drumsticks around as he practices around his drums as if they weren't there, playing air drums. For now I was going to call him drummer dude, he wasn't bad looking but not my type.

The other member was to my surprise a girl. Her hair short and messy in a tight pixie style, and had flicks or burning red in it. She was very beautiful even I could tell that. Unlike the boys her face was untouched by any metal, it only added to her beauty. Her bass was strapped neatly to her side lingering deadly at her waist meeting her tight fitting jeans. A strange star and moon tattoo on her neck kept me looking at her for a moment, it was half hidden by her hair and the dark it was hard to judge how big the tattoo was.

It was Rhys's voice that broke my stare. "In a world of Panic, we only find Chaos. My heart bleeds only for youuuu...." he screams as the drums and bass pick up a beat. Rhys's hand now gliding gracefully over his electric guitar. His band was very good, the lack of singing and lyrics caused some of the others in the club to only listen, but I was glued to them for there whole gig. It was only Matt's hand on my lap that distracted me from the band.

* * *

"Look can we talk," He pulled me quickly from the room and down the hall towards the back doors. The doors opened up into a dark ally, lit only by a back flickering light. "Shaun."

I shivered as I pressed up against the wall, a cool steal plate pressed up against my back. Matt pulled his jacket off and wrapped it over my shoulders.

"Shaun listen, I have some... news, but its hard for me to say..."

"what is it, whats wrong?" I asked, he looked upset. I hated seeing anyone this way.

"Nothing, its actually something I've wanted for a while now but it has come at a bad time," he pressed his finger to my lips as I was about to talk. "Let me get it all out or I wont be able to say it. I've been offered a job, it helps needy kids, but... its a out of town."

"Where?" I felt a little upset now and angry.

"Africa," he held his tongue for a moment, but I had no words. I was freaking out, what did this mean for us. "I leave in 2 days, and I'll be gone for 13 months."

I knew he was upset, but this was killing me, why wouldn't he tell me the most important thing. Where did this leave us?

"I don't want to make you wait for me, I love you, but its no fair..."

...and there it was, he had beaten my heart and now driven a knife through it. My life was over. I didn't stop to look at him, I just turned and started walking down the dark street.