Perfect strangers

Chloe - Open your eyes, please.

Chloe's POV.

He looked so peaceful, laying there still on the bed. I had never missed anyone like this and even though Dean could be a jerk deep down I knew the kind of guy he was. High school had changed us both but no matter how much he acted like a dick head, Dean was always to me going to be the little boy in kindergarten who bit the other kid for stealing my bear. That day seemed so far away but was so clear to me now that it felt like yesterday.

Dean was taller then most of the kids his clothes something his mum would have made him wear. Red shorts and a blue t-shirt with a sun design on it. He was the first person to talk to me. I was the nerdy girl wearing glasses, thank god I got contacts now, in a floral pink dress... the girls all the kids picked on. At first I was a little scared he was going to take my blocks but he just looked at me, not at my glasses but into my eyes. There was something about him, even then I knew it. but what did I know I was crying because one of the other boys had stolen my bear. "Are you okay?" he had asked me, pulling me up of the ground. I didn't even say anything, he marched over to the boy and grabbed my bear. His arm tore a little, I remember because it upset me more. Then Dean bit him and brought my bear back. From that day on Dean was my protector, he looked after me all through junior year and we both had each others first kiss.

It hurt to see him like this, attached to all this hospital equipment. Every one had come to see him in the early stages, but now seemed to be moving on with their lives, Aiden still wasn't back and I missed her alot but not as much as I missed Deans voice. His hair had grown out almost to his shoulders, but remained motionless as he lay there on the bed in front of me. I knew it was getting worse the longer he stayed in to comma, everyday effecting his brain. I just wanted him to wake up and say he was faking it, like he had done on that first day of high school.

I remember the first day of high school. I was so scared because Dean had not showed up all day, I herd the teacher say something about a dieing boy. As soon as the bell went I ran to his house, cutting through the park and the mall, just to see if he was okay. He laughed at me and said he was faking, that he was scared of High school, and thats when I told him that high school was different but we could be to... I guess he took that to heart because from then on he had been the jock Dean he was today.

I could feel the tears running down my now red cheeks, sure he was a jerk, sure he acted like he didn't like me but deep down I knew who he was... the real him. I could always see that little boy in his eyes. I kiss his forehead and start to cry, sobbing as I take his had and hold it to my chest, my heart beating so fast I could feel it through his. "The thing I miss most about you, is in your eyes... please Dean, open you eyes."