Perfect strangers

Rachel - Twins Know

Rachel's POV.

I knew exactly where Shaun would go if something bad happened. Our older brother Ken took us to an old willow in the forest. Not to far from the river, I knew in my heart my brother would go there to escape. I was right.

"I knew you would be the one to find me." He said throwing his hands across his chest and he sat on the lowest branch on the giant willow. His feet dangling inches from the ground.
"Where twins stupid, I always know where you are."

"If that stuffs true you would no how I feel, you would know its all my...."

I cut in, I did know. No because of us being twins physically connected some how, but because were were close. I knew him, he would think it was his fault. "Shaun, its not your fault. Hes the butt head that left, its his loss."

"Did you really just call 'him' a butt head?" He laughed, probably for the first time since this whole thing happened. "I wish Ken was here."

"Well he's not." I was still bitter, I was against my brothers choice to fight as my parents were, only Shaun seemed to get him."You don't need Ken anymore, your a big boy and you have friends and me... you have me, Shaun we will help you get through this."
"It just hurts. You know."

"I know, but you have to try. You cant just hide, no matter how much you want to." I paused and a light went off in my head, "You need something that will vent this all. Why don't you write songs again, you are really good with music. I miss your songs."

"Music... I could do that, It might distract me."

The noise of a distant horn beeping, reminds me that Cane is out in his truck waiting for us to get back. It was starting to get dark, the sun almost set even. Shaun jumped down from the branch and stood next to me, I simply smiled and walked him back to Canes truck, one arm wrapped around my Brothers shoulder. I loved him, and I didn't want to see him in pain.