Perfect strangers

Rhys - Voice of an Angel

Rhys's POV.

Later that night...

Open mike night was going to be fun, a chance to relax and let the band scope out for a new singer slash song writer. We needed one if we were going to make it big. The club was packed with stools and small round tables, and people filling up the area in front of the stage. A sort of mist covered the floor and only every second light, except the stage spot light, was on and dime.

"Welcome to open mike night. We have a newbie up first so lets show him some support... uhh, Shaun." The owener called out over a soon hushed room.

Of all the people I expected to see, Shaun was the last one on the list. Sure Rachel had got him back and got him doing basic things but this was a huge jump forward. He still looked a mess, but now alone. Sitting in front of a mike with an old guitar. He looked up only for a moment and then closed his eyes, a few plucks of the strings and then a slow melody like tune. Then he opened his mouth and started singing.

"Of all the things I believed in, I just want to get it over with. To much for me, hide my eyes, but I do not cry... I've been searching deep down in my soul, words that I'm hearing are starting to get old. Feels like I'm starting all over again... and I said. Good bye to you, good bye to everything that I knew..."

Everything was quiet, I knew I wasn't the only one that felt the power and emotion in Shaun's voice.

"Your the one I loved, the one thing I tried to hold on too.... I used to get lost in your eyes, and it seems I cant live a day with out you. Closing my eyes, and you'll chase me back, I swear, to a place where I am blinded by the light... but its not right. Good bye to you, good bye to everything that I knew. You are the one I loved, the one thing that I tried to hold on too....oh you"

I could feel his pain, he was so talented, he was perfect for the band and it looked as if Chad and Tara agreed.

"It hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time, I want whats yours and I want whats mine. I want you, but I'm not giving in this time. Good bye to you, good bye to everything that I knew. You are the one I loved, the one thing that I tried to hold on too, the one thing I tried to hold on too. Good bye to you, good bye to everything that I knew. You were the one I loved."

" Rhys, your boyfriend, hes perfect. Get him to join." Tara yelled shoving my in the rib.

"He's not my boyfriend... but yeah he is." I said rubbing my ribs but not taking my eyes off him as he slumped down the stairs of the stage.

"Well. What are you waiting for." Chad shoved me in the ribs, following Tara's lead. They both laughed and did it again.

I jumped up in escape and dropped of the stool. The both chuckled as I stumbled away toward the bar where Shaun was resting. He looked so alone, it made me feel really sorry, for not understanding what he was going through, but his song had painted a picture in my head of his pain.

"You were good." I said almost tripping.

"Yeah thanks," he said looking up slowly. "Oh, Rhys... thank you." He leaned forward into my chest. I wrapped my hand around him and held him tight. I knew he was upset but I was starting to feel better. Here he was in my arms, I wanted him so badly, it hurt.

"You should join the band." It just blurted out. More yelling it at him then asking him. It was rather scary.

"Really?" he looked up at me, I couldn't tell if he was saying it because it was the wrong time to ask or because it was the perfect thing for him to do to get over Matt.

"If you want I mean, we need a singer and your skilled at writing to..." I bit my lip and then blurted out more words. "I really want you to."

"If its OK with you..." He muttered and looked over at chad and Tara.
Was he going to say now, I could hear him now; "if its OK with you, I'd rather not. I'm in a real bad place...."

"I would love to, if its all right with the band I mean." He cut of my chain of thought. I didn't know what to feel. But my body did. I lunged at him and hugged him tight.

"This is perfect, everything is all good, they want you to." But not like I did....