Perfect strangers

Chloe - Late Night Visitor

Chloe's POV.

I was having such a good dream, but a strange sound kept coming from Shaun's room. Someones else was in there. I could hear two voices. Shaun didn't say anything about having a friend over, and I don't think he was seeing anyone he would have told me if he was we were best friends and told each other everything. I couldn't help my self I had to get a look and see.

"Shaun," I whisper, his door was open but only just, maybe I'd take a peek. "No Chloe." I cant look thats so immoral. I'll ask him tomorrow. I stop sneaking and walk down the hall way toward the kitchen.

Before I step into the kitchen I hear Shaun say "you got to go, its almost morning and I need sleep." His room door swings open and a guy walks out and down the other end of the hall, it was so dark I couldn't see who it was but they dropped something just out side of Shaun's room. When Shaun had closed his door, I grabbed what ever the guy had dropped and stuffed it in my pocket, then returned to my room to examine it. But before I get a chance to flick on the light the door swings open behind me, its Shaun. I pull open the dresser and stuff the thing under a shirt and slam it shut.

"Hey is my bag in here, no... sorry." He says looking around and leaving before I could get two words in.

* * *

"Happy birthday," Aiden says as she sits down on Deans lap at the table and gives him a really long and awkward kiss. "Do you want a part of your present now?"

"Yeah babe I want yours to be... first," Dean said acting like a kid at a candy store. "Give me, give me, give me," he laughed.

Aiden had gotten Dean, well I didn't really know what it was. Some kind of so sort of black skimpy out fit and a coupon book. How tacky. But what was worth it all was the funny look on Shaun's face when Dean held it up, Shaun was always a little freaked out by girl underwear, if thats what you would call it. Dean couldn't have been happier, if there was one thing Dean loved more than anything was sex....

"Can you guys put it away?" Shaun moaned, his hands covering his eyes like one of them monkey statues. "Come on please."

Dean and Aiden rushed up stairs after a moment of awkward silence. I didn't even want to think of what they had just gone up stairs to do, but this was a good time to ask Shaun about the guy that came out of his room last night. Now how would I say this?

"So Shaun... who, How did you sleep," I felt stupid why couldn't I just come out and ask him, I guess there's no stopping my self now Shaun was already looking at me like I had just asked him the dumbest question ever. Here goes... "I herd you in the other room last night."

"You did?" his face in a split second going form confused to shocked. "Um, ugh, whhh..."

I had to stop his rambling, "Look you don't have to tell me who it is if you don't want to, but its me Shaun, it Chloe."

"You don't know who it was... there was no guy, you must have been dreaming."

"Oh... maybe."

Why was he lying to me, who was this guy? Maybe I could get it out of him tonight, Dean's parties got every one drunk.