Perfect strangers

Rachel - Late Night Visit.

Rachel's POV.

Later that night...

I needed to get away from my parents and Shaun, I think he was more upset that I didn't tell him first then the fact that I was going to keep this baby. I think he took it better then mum and dad. Not that it was awful just I think Shaun is glad I don't have to do it alone. I had Cane, and that where I was going now. Cane's parents farm wasn't to far out, just a 15 minute walk if I cut across the park and then through the thinest part of the woods.

Kendy Farm was your typical farm, but with less animals. They had chickens, horses, a duck, a cow or two and a dog. The typical red barn sat close to the house, Cane's little home away from home, I knew he would be up there. I was so right. I found him in the barn, shirtless doing chin ups on one of the support beams. I sort of didn't want him to see me watching him... he was so big with muscle. I watched him from behind a stack of hay, he pulled himself up, 1, 2, 3, 4... 126, I counted. Every muscle moved and rubbed nicely against his perfect features. His thick arms bigger then the beam he was pulling himself up on. I herd it creek every now and then, it looked as if it might break any minute now.

"Don't over do it," I finally said stepping into his view, he smiled and started pulling up faster. "You'll hurt your self. Show off." I groaned at him as he let go with one hand and started pulling himself up with just the one arm. He looked even hotter doing it with one.

"You been watching me, Rach." He asked dropping to the floor with a loud thud.

"Only for a little bit... okay maybe the last 200 pully uppy things." I laughed plonking myself down on the stack of hay.

"Oh is that it, you missed most." He winked and threw me a dirty grin. "It does tense the muscles."

"Is that right," I jumped up. "Well lay down, I can finally practice on some one."

"Practice, practice what exactly?" he questioned alarmed.

"It will make you feel better, go up there and cover up with the covers, lay down on your front... I'm going to give you a massage dopey."

He laughed and jogged up stairs to the big bed. He spun around to look at me, "Hey no peaking Rach', I got to get nude if you want to do this the way pros do it."

"Well if its the ways pro's do it then we better do it right." I turned away, trying to peak out of the side of my eye. No luck, he was done and under before I could see anything. "Alright here goes."

I rubbed him slowly, pushing harder and the tense and tight muscles. It was hard to tell which were always there and the ones he was sore about. I slipped my index finger softly down his spine, he quivered from the chill. Seeing him there knowing he was naked under there made me want to do things to him. I couldn't hold back, I leaned in and pulled of his covers, exposing his hard butt, I sunk my teeth into it. What had come over me, I wanted to do things to him I had never done with anyone.

He jolted up and laughed, "Nice Rach, my turn." He sat up, fully naked I might add and kissed me."Now that was good."

He threw the cover over his so I would see anything. He smiled and me and pulled on a pair of jeans. If there was one thing I knew about Cane, it was he had never liked anyone from school before. I cant ever remember him having a girlfriend, until now. I love this boy, he had promised me and my baby the world. I edged away from him and winked before pouncing on to him on the bed and locked my lips to him.

We rolled around making out for a while, it was more then anything I had felt before I felt complete, safe with him. I felt like nothing could go wrong. Boy was I wrong, Cane rolled a little to far and I slipped of the bed and crashed on the floor, up against an old car motor. I sat up quickly and cried and screamed with pain. I had hit my stomach hard while falling. I felt fine but I needed to make sure the baby was.

Cane jolted to his feet and picked me up into his arms before leaping down the stairs 3 at a time and running into the house, his parents rushed in from the kitchen as he lay me down on the couch.

"She hit he stomach, get Elliot, Now!" he yelled curling up on the floor by me head. His farther darted up stairs and his mum grabbed a first aid box from the kitchen.

Elliot cam rushing down followed by her dad and her husband Mr. Knight. I felt bad for not knowing his name, but it wasn't the right time to ask. I needed to know if I had hurt the baby. Elliot examined me and then after a minute silence smiled, "Did you feel that it kicked, the baby should be okay, but you better come with me to work, get some rest I'll wake you when we have to go, Cane don't let her move until where sure."

Elliot and he husband disappeared up stairs and were soon followed by there parents after making me and Cane a cup of tea. I felt bad for hogging the couch, Cane rested his head on the couch in front of my head and closed his eyes. I kissed him on the forehead and let myself fall asleep, I felt better and lucky that Cane's sister was a great doctor. The best in town even. I yawn, and then feel myself drifting into sleep.

"I love you." Cane mumbles in his sleep. Thats when it hit me, this was my soul mate.